“As a gay man…

“As a gay man…
“As a gay man…

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

Nearly a year and a half after the terrible accident he irresponsibly caused, Pierre Palmade is still awaiting his judgment. Discreet and very marked by this situation which he himself caused, the former sidekick of Michèle Laroque is not in great shape at the moment. To the point of dropping a sentence that resembles a threat to end things…

Pierre Palmade can take a breather, certainly. Originally indicted for “involuntary manslaughter and aggravated injuries”, the homicide referring to the baby who died during the accident, the comedian finally saw his charges reduced. But if the most serious charge was dropped (the fetus died before birth, which explains the court’s decision, editor’s note), the charges remain very heavy, as “Le Parisien” recalls:

Involuntary injuries resulting in total incapacity for work of more than 3 months and less than 3 months by driver who deliberately violated a particular obligation of caution or safety and who used narcotics.

Pierre Palmade ready to end his life?

For these misdeeds, the fifty-year-old faces up to 14 years in prison and a fine of 200,000 euros. However, well beyond any financial consideration, it is above all the prospect of spending time behind bars that terrifies Palmade. Thus, “France Dimanche” relays its clear and clear sentence upon learning of the heavy sentence incurred:

Rather die than go to prison.

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Some did not fail to see there a possible suicidal risk for the former collaborator of Jean-Marie Bigard, who seems to want to avoid prison hell at all costs. It must be said that given what he is accused of, as well as his celebrity status, Palmade could be particularly targeted. This is what “Here” explains, once again relaying “France Dimanche”:

And for good reason, as the weekly specifies, the actor could be worried about the consequences of a prison sentence, as a gay man but also as someone responsible for the death of a child.

Indeed, those who attack children, or at least cause them harm, are particularly frowned upon in prison, as are homosexuals. To guarantee his safety, Palmade should therefore be sidelined, but such a decision could have serious consequences on his mental health.

It is therefore a potentially very delicate situation that must be faced by someone who has destroyed the life of a family at the wheel of their car. As a reminder, the date of the trial has not yet been defined, but it should be held at the end of 2024, or at the beginning of 2025 at the latest, in Melun.

Consumed by the prospect of going to prison, Pierre Palmade seems ready to do anything (and even the irreparable?) to avoid experiencing such a fate. Justice must therefore keep a very close eye on the comedian who, more than 15 months after the events, has still not recovered from the disaster into which he himself plunged.

