The Bardella plague, the Mélenchon cholera or a more consensual path?

The Bardella plague, the Mélenchon cholera or a more consensual path?
The Bardella plague, the Mélenchon cholera or a more consensual path?

Everything happened exactly as predicted by almost everyone, except Emmanuel Macron: the nationalist bloc led by the RN was a hit, the bloc reforged on the left, on the ashes of the NUPES, resisted more than well. And the central bloc, that of the fragile (relative) presidential majority, lost feathers. It was on the President’s Westons that the grenade that he himself had pulled the pin exploded. But the particularity of a two-round election is that nothing is decided before the second electoral Sunday. And between today and that day, transparency, for the voter, must be made. Especially in view of the large number of three-way races, boosted by a very high turnout…

Faced with this situation, some have chosen clarity, others ambiguity. Macron does not exclude the NFP by name, his ally Edouard Philippe does, sending RN and NFP back to back. Mélenchon very quickly indicated that in the event of a three-way race in a constituency with an Insoumis candidate in 3rd place, LFI would withdraw its troops – which gives the party back a certain dignity that it has not always displayed recently. The tone was as follows yesterday: a few drops of support in a rain of withdrawals useful to block the way.

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Then, this big question remained: if the RN is still the favorite in the second round, in the event of a surge and success of the “republican barrier” against the extreme right, who, within the New Popular Front, will govern France? The Nationalists at least have the merit of clarity on this point. The left, in coalition for 15 days, not yet. The French need this clarification. If only to know if they position themselves in favor of the Bardella plague, of the Mélenchon cholera – who we hear will not be Prime Minister… but who feels “capable” of it – or of a more consensual, center-left alternative.



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