North Korea fires two ballistic missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan


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July 01, 2024 – 06:59

(Keystone-ATS) North Korea fired two ballistic missiles on Monday, the South Korean military said, the latest in a series that has infuriated Seoul. The launches also come days after Pyongyang said it had successfully launched a multiple-warhead missile.

A first short-range projectile was launched early Monday morning, then a second unidentified projectile was detected ten minutes later, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff explained in a statement.

“No [premier] short-range ballistic missile traveled approximately 600 kilometers,” the statement said, adding that the second traveled 120 kilometers. “Our army has strengthened surveillance in anticipation of other launches,” said the same source, specifying that it had transmitted information on these incidents to the United States and Japan.

“Characteristics [de ces tirs] are currently under detailed analysis by South Korean and American authorities,” the same source added.

These launches come a few days after North Korea claimed to have successfully tested a missile with multiple warheads. South Korea, for its part, assured that the projectile had exploded in flight.

Relationships at rock bottom

Relations between the two countries are currently at their lowest in years, with Pyongyang stepping up weapons testing and sending balloons filled with trash south in retaliation for South Korea’s propaganda campaigns against the North Korean regime.

At the end of June, Seoul, Tokyo and Washington conducted three days of joint military exercises, denounced on Sunday by Pyongyang which described them as “the Asian version of NATO”, warning of “fatal consequences”.

North Korea systematically criticizes this type of military maneuvers which it considers to be rehearsals before an invasion of its territory.

For its part, South Korea affirmed on Sunday that these were only regular defensive exercises.



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