On vacation, here are the good reflexes to adopt to protect your dog

On vacation, here are the good reflexes to adopt to protect your dog
On vacation, here are the good reflexes to adopt to protect your dog

Vulnerable to heat, dogs must be given special attention when temperatures rise.

Before booking your stay abroad, it is essential to update your pet’s papers and vaccinations.

And once there, it is important to keep away parasites and insects that can cause your pet to suffer.

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The time when animals were perceived as objects is not so long ago. It is only since law n°2015-177 of February 2015 that they have been recognized as “sentient living beings“. This separate category is quite distinct from that of people. And yet, according to an Ipsos survey carried out in 2023, 68% of French people consider their pet to be a full member of their family. Whatever place you reserve for your four-legged friend in your home, it deserves your full attention, especially when the mercury soars.

How to protect your dog from the heat?

Above 28°C, temperatures are dangerous for dogs, especially when they are fragile. It is therefore better to adopt the right reflexes in summer. Provide a bowl of water for your four-legged friend, refresh him regularly, in particular by wetting his body, and do not forget to install cool areas at home. Also adapt the times of walks, preferably in the morning and evening.

Even if you just have a short errand to run, a vehicle quickly turns into an oven. Never leave your pet in your car, even with the windows open. Article L.214-23 of the Rural Code authorizes officers and agents of the judicial police to open any vehicle parked in direct sunlight when the life of an animal is in danger. And if you’re planning a boat trip, don’t lock your dog in an untemperate environment like a ferry hold.

Identification and vaccination, what should you plan for on vacation?

To travel outside France, your dog – just like cats and ferrets – must be identified and have its anti-rabies vaccination up to date. Since 3 July 2011, the microchip has been the only means of identification for travel within the European Union, except for animals identified by a tattoo before this date.

If your pet is not vaccinated against rabies, get ahead of the game. The vaccine must be valid for at least 21 days after the vaccination date, emphasizes the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty.

Like you, your companion must be in possession of his papers at the time of departure. Ask his veterinarian to provide you with and fill out his European passport in case of travel outside France.

Precautions to take against parasites and insects

Present throughout the year, fleas are not the only annoyances to expect. Responsible for much more serious diseases such as Lyme disease and piroplasmosis, ticks must be subject to increased surveillance, especially after walks in the forest.

Against mosquitoes, nothing beats a preventative antiparasitic collar. Because these insects carry diseases through their bites, it is better to protect your pet. Installing mosquito nets helps protect your place of residence from unwanted guests. Failing that, invest in mosquito traps.

The cause of severe itching, harvest mites, which are rampant in August and September, can be overcome by applying a local antiparasitic treatment. Between June and September, you should also watch out for awns. After each walk, check your dog’s sensitive areas: the nose, ears, eyes and between the toes. For those who are planning a stay at the seaside, rinsing with fresh water is essential after each swim to avoid irritation caused by salt or sand.

Emilie CARTIER pour TF1 INFO



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