Alger right in his boots

Alger right in his boots
Alger right in his boots

The European Commission announced on June 14 the commitment of a procedure of “dispute settlement” against Algeria, which is criticized for its new orientation in matters of imports and investment.

Algeria has just responded publicly through its Minister of Commerce, Tayeb Zitouni.

In its press release of June 14, Brussels initiated a arm wrestling with Algiers, denouncing restrictions on its investments and exports to Algeria, explaining that the objective of the procedure is to “engage in a constructive dialogue with a view to lifting restrictions in several sectors ranging from agricultural products to motor vehicles “.

If the announced procedure is unsuccessful, Brussels could resort to an arbitration panel.

The European Union cited as grievances import licenses “having effects equivalent to an import ban”, the requirement for the use of locally manufactured parts by car manufacturers and the capping of foreign participation in companies carrying out the activity of importing goods.

Brussels considers that these measures constitute a violation of the provisions of the EU-Algeria Association Agreement, signed in 2002 and entered into force in 2005.

Standoff with the European Union over imports: Algeria’s response

“Algeria is a sovereign country, which has no external debt and does not tolerate diktat,” retorted the Algerian Minister of Commerce in an interview with Algerian Television on the sidelines of the 55th edition of the International Trade Fair. Algiers (FIA), inaugurated Monday June 24 by the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

“Algeria has rationalized imports and has not stopped them, which would be inconceivable,” explained Tayeb Zitouni, who is also in charge of promoting exports.

“Algeria has not stopped importing, but what we produce, we will not import,” he insisted.

According to him, this is a rationalization of imports according to the evolution of national production, citing the example of the self-sufficiency achieved by Algeria this year in durum wheat, which allows it to reduce the import bill for this product of 1.2 billion dollars.

The Minister of Commerce said that Algeria’s annual imports are estimated at 45 billion dollars, of which more than 22 billion come from the European Union.

“We have partners with whom we work, either the countries with which we have bilateral partnerships, the European Union or the areas to which we belong on the African or Arab level,” continued the Minister of Commerce.

Restrictions on imports: Algiers defends its positions

“Algeria is a country that is part of this world and not an isolated village. There is a desire among national companies to develop national production.”

While recalling this declaration by the President of the Republic, Tayeb Zitouni stressed that Algeria has not invented anything in this area, the policy of rationalizing imports and preserving local production being adopted by all countries in the world, including by the European Union itself, or even China and the United States.

Last Monday, on the occasion of the visit to Algeria of the Turkish vice-president and the holding of a forum of economic operators of the two countries, the Turkish Minister of Commerce, Ömer Bolat, announced that the negotiations for the conclusion of A preferential trade agreement between Algeria and Turkey will begin soon.



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