In the United States, the incredible survival of a hiker who disappeared in the mountains for ten days and was very poorly equipped

In the United States, the incredible survival of a hiker who disappeared in the mountains for ten days and was very poorly equipped
In the United States, the incredible survival of a hiker who disappeared in the mountains for ten days and was very poorly equipped
CAL FIRE CZU (X) The young man hugs his family after being found.


The young man hugs his family after being found.

SURVIVAL – A walk that turned into a nightmare. An American hiker was rescued this Thursday, June 20 after being lost in the mountains for ten days. Lucas McClish, 34, was found safe and sound, relieved to finally be able to hug his family.

It was his absence on Father’s Day, June 16, that alerted his family. It had already been almost a week since the thirty-year-old left for what was supposed to be just a simple three-hour hike in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. But things didn’t go as planned. Lucas McClish quickly became lost in the wilderness, partly due to the destruction of key landmarks by recent wildfires in the area, according to the BBC.

In a message published on that person. Lucas McClish was eventually spotted by a Santa Cruz Sheriff’s Office drone.

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« A great experience » according to the young man

« It was truly a team effort that ended for the better. “, said the sheriff’s office. In particular, we can see in the images of the operation the young man hugging his family, in a very moving moment. In an interview for ABC Newsthe survivor said to himself “ moved » by all those who set out to look for him.

More fear than harm, since Lucas McClish managed to survive in the wild. without any major injuries ”, according to the sheriff’s office. The reluctant adventurer said he was “ tired and a little sore ” and to have ” lost his voice “. The survivor also explained that he had not been equipped “ only his pants, his shoes, and his hat, (…) a flashlight and a pair of folding scissors, like a Leatherman. And that’s about it ».

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Without any food except wild berries, the American survived by drinking large quantities of water, which he collected using his shoe: ” I made sure to drink almost four liters of water a day, but eventually my body began to crave food and sustenance. “, he said.

Although shaken, Lucas McClish seems grateful to have had this experience which he describes as “ lesson in humility » and even “ a great experience “. However, there is no question of returning to the trails straight away, the thirty-year-old believes “ have done enough hiking for probably the rest of the year ».

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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