War in Ukraine: Zelensky will present peace proposals to Russia once approved by the international community

War in Ukraine: Zelensky will present peace proposals to Russia once approved by the international community
War in Ukraine: Zelensky will present peace proposals to Russia once approved by the international community

LUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Saturday that he will make peace proposals to Russia once they have been agreed by the international community.

“When the action plan is on the table, accepted by all and transparent to the people, then it will be communicated to the representatives of Russia, so that we can truly end the war,” he told the opening of the first peace summit in Ukraine, which is being held this weekend in Switzerland.

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American Vice President Kamala Harris, for her part, reiterated the United States’ firm commitment to Ukraine.

“If the world does not react when an aggressor invades his neighbor, other aggressors will undoubtedly become emboldened,” she declared in front of the hundred countries and organizations meeting in Switzerland until Sunday to make a first draft of a peace plan.

As for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, he stressed that “peace is not just the absence of war” and he rejected the notion of a “new reality” put forward by the Kremlin, which would ratify the control of 20% of the Ukrainian territory. “An immediate ceasefire without serious negotiations” would only result in “another frozen conflict”.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also warned that “freezing the conflict” is not a solution but a “recipe for future wars of aggression.”

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for “defining the principles of a just and lasting peace based on international law and the United Nations Charter”. “This is the path forward to achieve a permanent cessation of hostilities,” he said.



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