Anti-abortion activists worry about the Republican Party

Anti-abortion activists worry about the Republican Party
Anti-abortion activists worry about the Republican Party

Anti-abortion activists are concerned about the more moderate position on the subject from Republican elected officials, according to the New York Post.

On Sunday, anti-abortion activists marked the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, which previously protected the right to abortion.

Two years later, despite the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in 2022, anti-abortion activists are concerned about the positions of certain elected Republican officials.

Last April, former President Donald Trump said the topic of abortion was an issue that was a legislative matter for the states, not the federal government.

Other Republican candidates, such as Maryland Senate candidate Larry Hogan and Nevada Senate candidate Sam Brown, have downplayed the importance of Washington’s intervention on the issue.

Playing ostrich

The president of the “Students for Life of America” group criticized the attitude of the Republicans.

“Their job is to get re-elected,” she said. It’s politicians who do what politicians do [pour être élus].”

The public affairs director of the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List, Kelsey Pritchard, agreed.

“In 2022, we saw too many Republicans adopt the strategy of burying their heads in the sand, where they would not talk about abortion at all,” she lamented. They ran away from the issue, which gave the Democrats plenty of room on the issue.”

“We want the Republican Party platform to continue to protect unborn children across the country,” she added.

For her part, the founder of the anti-abortion group LiveAction, Lila Rose, is worried.

“Rolling back on abortion is not a winning approach,” she said. Being pro-life means we advocate for the protection of every unborn child, without compromise. I have concerns about the Republican platform process. We must remain vigilant and proactive to ensure our platform reflects our principles.”



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