Do you know the “Channa argus”, this scary fish with a snake’s head?

Do you know the “Channa argus”, this scary fish with a snake’s head?
Do you know the “Channa argus”, this scary fish with a snake’s head?

The Channa argus is a scary fish. This is as much due to its almost reptilian appearance as to its formidable predatory talents. The United States, like the European Union, monitors its proliferation.

The United States like the European Union, put on alert by… a fish? This is what we learn South West : the Channa argus, a race of poisson amphibian worries these states, because it is considered particularly invasive. As a reminder, a species is considered invasive when its establishment and spread have negative ecological and/or economic and/or health consequences.

However, the proliferation of this animal is worrying. It is in fact equally capable of living in an aquatic or terrestrial environment, which makes it particularly dangerous for surrounding species. In fact, as long as its skin remains moist, it is capable of living out of water for several days. Its mode of operation can be compared to that of a frog.

Channa argus, a recently discovered species

With its eyes far in front of its head, the Channa argus can frighten fishermen at first glance. One of them, in Missouri, tried to leave the animal to die on the sidewalk… But the latter, with her extraordinary abilities, managed to survive.

The first discovery of this species is particularly recent, since its first traces were found in 2019. But since then, scientists have taken a closer interest in this fish, particularly in its way of eating: thanks to its jaw composed of small sharp teeth, “all the prey that can fit in its large mouth”.

Unusual measurements

And if you’re not impressed, wait until you see its size: about a meter long, for five kilograms. Small fish, crustaceans and even frogs therefore serve as meals for this juggernaut of nature.

The main concern of Man (responsible for its introduction into the Western world, because this fish usually lives in Asian waters) lies in its proliferation. Indeed, the Channa Argus would be “capable of breed up to five times a yearper wave of 50,000 eggs”.

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