“In the event of cohabitation, the temptation will be great for the President to use his own powers” ​​– Libération

“In the event of cohabitation, the temptation will be great for the President to use his own powers” ​​– Libération
“In the event of cohabitation, the temptation will be great for the President to use his own powers” ​​– Libération


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Legislative elections 2024case

If the RN enters Matignon after July 7, it will have the means to govern the country. For his part, Emmanuel Macron, given his constitutional powers, could theoretically push the country into an illiberal or even authoritarian regime, analyzes Eugénie Mérieau, lecturer in public law at Paris-II University.

The hypothesis that the far right enters Matignon the day after the legislative elections of July 7 can no longer be excluded, after the dissolution of the National Assembly triggered by Emmanuel Macron. What is there to fear that France will be transformed by an authoritarian government? For Eugénie Mérieau, lecturer in public law at Paris-II University, the safeguards of the Fifth Republic are too weak to prevent this eventuality. She emphasizes, in Dictatorship, an antithesis of democracy? (the Blue Rider, 2019), that the opposition between democratic regimes and authoritarian regimes, too schematic, did not allow us to identify what could make France an illiberal democracy like that of Viktor Orban.

What should we expect if the far right comes out on top in the legislative elections on July 7?

If a group led by the National Rally comes out on top and is able to form a government, it will have the means to govern the country. It must be understood that there is no need to have u



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