Tabaski 2024: The message of the Africa Revolution Movement

Tabaski 2024: The message of the Africa Revolution Movement
Tabaski 2024: The message of the Africa Revolution Movement

This is a message from the Africa Revolution Movement on the occasion of the commemoration of Tabaski 2024.

The Muslim comrades of the Alliance of Sahel States, including those of our country, Burkina Faso, are commemorating this Sunday, June 16, 2024, the feast of Eid-El-Kebir.

In Islam, this festival recalls the reward that God offered to Abraham for having kept his promise, when the latter committed to sacrificing his son for the love of God if He were to grant him a son. God then gave him the gift of Ishmael.

When he reached puberty, he and his father were both about to fulfill Abraham’s promise when God brought down a large ram and commanded Abraham to replace the immolation of his son Ishmael with that of an animal victim.

What sacred character of human life did God wish to highlight!

What can we say about these terrorist actions perpetrated by these lawless people who claim to seek God’s satisfaction in murder! What contradictions!

No revealed book, no sacred Hindu or Chinese text, advocates killing as an act of worship. Better, the charter of Kouroukan-Fouga or charter of Mandé proclaimed in 1236 by the Emperor of Mandé, Sounddiata Kéïta (1190-1255), considered moreover to be the oldest human legal instrument of a universal nature, already established the principle of the inviolability of human life by providing this: “One life is equal to one life”.

Down with the indoctrination of one segment of the people against another by Western imperialism!

This reminder aims to remove the ambiguity about these criminal actions of imperialism which, faced with the failure of its strategy consisting of using absolute evil to better plunder the resources of the African peoples, tends to attribute its own crimes to a any religion, Islam whatsoever. We are not fools. We have unmasked imperialism.

To say that this celebration aims to perpetuate these virtues which are respect for the word given, the sacred character of human life and submission to a unique being, Creator of all things, despite any claim to the contrary.

“The Sheep Festival” also aims to promote values ​​such as sharing, solidarity, assistance to disadvantaged people, etc.

The National Executive Office of the Africa Revolution Movement, on this happy occasion, wishes all the Muslim comrades of Burkina Faso as well as all the people of the Islamic Umah a happy Eid El Kebir celebration.

At the same time, on behalf of the Africa Revolution movement, the Executive Office thanks all the Imams and Scholars of our country for the establishment of qunute prayers with a view to restoring peace in our Sahel States hard hit by the terrorism, the main and modern lever of Western imperialism.

This year again, Eid-El-Kebir takes place in a particular context marked by both the security and humanitarian crisis. Faced with this situation, we call for a strong popular, patriotic and citizen mobilization around our first leader, Comrade President, Captain Ibrahim Traoré and all the fighting forces whose offensive actions on the ground are more obvious than ever and conclusive.

This is evidenced by the large-scale acquisition of cutting-edge military equipment, the provision of agricultural equipment and inputs to the peasant class, the resettlement of several villages, to name but a few.

With this in mind, we call on all farmers to consistently support the vision of Comrade President in the 2023-2025 agricultural offensive; agricultural production being another no less effective means of fighting against imperialism.

May God hear the worship of the pilgrims and bring them all back in good health!

May He grant us abundant rains free from any natural disaster!

May Almighty God accept the acts of worship performed in these circumstances!

Happy Tabaski Day to everyone!

Homeland or death we will win!

Done in Ouagadougou on the 16th

For the National Executive Office

Signed: Rahim Sawadogo, President.

Africa Revolution Movement – ​​MAR – Burkina Faso

Receipt No. N000001424101 of 04/05/23 Unity – Progress – Justice

National Executive Office – Ouagadougou –

General Secretariat

[email protected]

(+226) 70290756 / 70707180 / 60066668



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