New US-British raids against Yemen: New attacks on Israeli interests in the Red Sea

New US-British raids against Yemen: New attacks on Israeli interests in the Red Sea
New US-British raids against Yemen: New attacks on Israeli interests in the Red Sea

Amid media reports that the British Maritime Authority had received a report of an incident 98 nautical miles east of Aden, Yemen, General Yehya Sarii, spokesman for the Yemeni forces, said returned to the incident noted by the Centcom reporting that the targeted vessel had violated the ban on vessels sailing to ports in the occupied Palestinian territories. “During this operation, the ship suffered serious damage and is in danger of sinking,” he noted.

He also recalled that “Yemeni armed forces warn all businesses against any links with the Israeli enemy and against trafficking their vessels to or from ports in occupied Palestine. If this warning is not heeded, ships will be targeted. »

It should be noted that during his speech on Thursday, Abdelmalek Al Houthi, leader of Ansarullah had indicated that 145 buildings had been hit by Sanaa’s forces since the outpouring of solidarity with the Gazans took the form of a maritime embargo decreed by Yemen against the Zionist entity.

This speech comes after the success of the second joint operation to date by Yemeni and Iraqi forces. Winged missiles and drones were launched against Ashdod and Haifa.

On the other hand, the US coalition forces had already carried out two aerial assaults against the Rima radio building and the government complex in Al-Jabain district in Rima governorate, west of Yemen.

The Ministry of Health of the Sanaa government said that the American-British aggression against Rima radio caused significant damage and left 5 civilians injured, including one seriously injured. In a statement, the ministry condemned “the new US-British aggression against Yemen and the bombing of civilian installations”. As he stated that “the deliberate and unlawful killings carried out by American and British aggression aircraft against Yemeni civilians are considered war crimes and a serious violation of international and humanitarian law.”

Sanaa also stressed that “this aggression proves the great impact of the heroic operations carried out by the Yemeni armed forces against American, British and Zionist targets,” promising that “Yemen, with its people, its leaders and its army, will remain determined to confront the aggression, to thwart its objectives, and to support our people in Gaza.”



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