2024 legislative elections: the left announces an agreement for single candidates in each constituency

2024 legislative elections: the left announces an agreement for single candidates in each constituency
2024 legislative elections: the left announces an agreement for single candidates in each constituency

the essential
The left-wing parties, from France Insoumise to the Socialist Party, announced Monday evening that they had reached an agreement for a new Popular Front and single candidacies for the next legislative elections.

The left announced late Monday evening that they had reached an agreement, noting the success of the negotiations begun at full speed to find a union for the anticipated legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. The Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Ecologists and La France insoumise indicated that they wanted to “support single candidates from the first round” of the legislative elections, in a press release also signed by Place publique, or Génération.s.

“In each constituency, we want to support unique candidates from the first round”, carrying “a disruptive program”, write the signatory parties. They also called to “join the processions” planned this weekend at the call of the CFDT, the CGT, the UNSA, the FSU and Solidaires and to “demonstrate widely”.

A new Popular Front

The parties concerned met Monday afternoon at the Paris headquarters of the Ecologists before publishing their press release shortly after 10:30 p.m. “We call for the creation of a new Popular Front bringing together in an unprecedented form all the left-wing humanist, union, associative and citizen forces,” write the signatories, saying they wish to “build an alternative to Emmanuel Macron and combat the racist project of the extreme right”.

Already on Sunday evening, François Ruffin called for this Popular Front. He reiterated his wish the next morning on France Inter alongside Olivier Faure. Fabien Roussel followed suit.

“We did it.” Marine Tondelier, the leader of the Ecologists, congratulated herself Monday evening on having, with the other left-wing parties, “started a new Popular Front”. Insoumis François Ruffin also welcomed this agreement on do not resolve to make France a country that succumbs to the extreme right.

“Finally, we have achieved it! Now, let’s go until victory!”, wrote on X the national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel. As for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of the Insoumis, he indicated: “Good work which thwarts the division on which Macron and Le Pen were counting”.

Laurent Berger in Matignon?

In the evening, before this agreement was reached, Raphaël Glucksmann spoke to the 8 p.m. news on France 2. The opportunity to set his conditions. “We are not going to repeat the Nupes, there was a reversal of the balance of power. I came in first.” He therefore asked that the left agree on several points: “unwavering support for European construction, unwavering support for the Ukrainian resistance, the repeal of the pension reform, unemployment insurance and the immigration law and finally a rejection of the brutalization of political life.”

For him, there can be no question of Jean-Luc Mélenchon gaining access to Matignon in the event of a victory for the left. He proposed the name of Laurent Berger, the former leader of the CFDT.

A first poll published Monday (carried out for Challenges, M6 and RTL) after the announcement of the dissolution by the Head of State indicates that the united left would collect 22% (25.7% of the votes collected in 2022), the camp macronist 19% (compared to 25.8%), and LR 9% (compared to 11.3%). The RN would collect 34% of voting intentions. The campaign has only just begun.



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