Some 82,000 candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate exams

Some 82,000 candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate exams
Some 82,000 candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate exams

More than 81,900 candidates take the tests for the normal session of the unified national and regional baccalaureate exam for the June 2024 session in the Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima region, the Regional Academy of education and training (AREF).

The Academy specified, in a press release, that approximately 47,007 educated and free candidates took the tests of the normal session of the unified regional exam, which took place on June 5 and 6, at 177 training centers. examination of the 216 centers set up in the eight provincial directorates of National Education in the Northern region.

The same Source noted that a total of 45,253 candidates will take the tests of the normal session of the unified national baccalaureate exam 2024, which will take place from June 10 to 13, noting that the number of enrolled candidates amounts to 34,916 , of which 31,742 are registered in the public sector (70.14%), and 3,174 in the private sector (7.01%).

Girls represent 55.05% of all candidates, while free candidates number 10,337 (22.84%), underlined the Academy, indicating that the number of candidates in scientific and technical fields is 28,721, while in the literary and traditional education sector, their number rises to 16,152, compared to 380 candidates in the professional sectors, and 8,772 in the international section (French and English options) and the “sport-study” sector .

Candidates with disabilities number 312 students, added the press release, specifying that all the necessary measures have been put in place to adapt the conditions for the conduct and correction of exams for this category.

The AREF affirmed that it had taken all the necessary measures to ensure favorable conditions for the smooth running of these tests, noting that 23 people are mobilized for printing and reproducing the exams, 5,560 are responsible for monitoring and 3,480 for corrections.

In addition, 6 examination centers have been set up in penitentiary establishments, in which 52 candidates take the exams, in addition to the mobilization of 14 correction centers in the different provincial directorates.

In this regard, the Academy wished all the candidates every success, welcoming the efforts made by the education and training family, local authorities, security and health services, as well as all stakeholders. for the success of this national deadline.



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