Tabaski 2024: there will be no shortage of sheep in Cameroon

Tabaski 2024: there will be no shortage of sheep in Cameroon
Tabaski 2024: there will be no shortage of sheep in Cameroon

The faithful Muslims of Cameroon are only waiting for the day of the Tabaski celebration to prove their love to Allah. Its story according to the Holy Koran commemorates Abraham’s enslavement to God who ordered him to sacrifice his son Ishmael until the appearance of a sheep which would later be immolated in place of his much-loved son. Each Muslim faithful, wherever he or she is in the world, is thus called to immolate a beast on the day of the celebration to accomplish the will of God.

In Cameroon, as in several other countries in Central and West Africa, Tabaski is scheduled for June 16, 2024, possibly one day later depending on the country.

Read also: Burkina Faso: up to 300,000 CFA francs for a sheep

In Yaoundé, the faithful stock up on sheep in several markets, notably in the 8th markets located in the 2nd arrondissement, Mvog Ada, Etoudi, and at the central market in Ekounou.

Prices vary between 30,000 and 350,000 CFA francs depending on the size and origin of the animal. For some customers met on site, these prices are slightly favorable compared to those charged last year: “It was at this time last year that I bought a sheep for 230,000 CFA francs. I just bought this one for 190,000 CFA francs and it seems a little bulkier than last year’s» declared this happy buyer.

Read also: Tabaski in Mali: fattened sheep, emptied pouch

The sheep sold in Cameroon come from production areas in the northern regions of the Far North, North and Adamawa, but also from neighboring countries such as Chad, the Central African Republic and Nigeria. The price of a sheep would be very cheap currently but the excessive cost of fuel and especially the poor state of the roads contribute to inflation.

By Jean-Paul Mbia (Yaounde, correspondence)

06/09/2024 at 2:37 p.m.



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