Haiti – News: Zapping…

Haiti – News: Zapping…
07/06/2024 11:24:43


Spirit Airlines first resumption flight:
On Thursday, Spirit Airlines inaugurated its first flight connecting the United States to Port-au-Prince, with 103 passengers arriving and 230 departing. This flight marks a significant milestone for the Port-au-Prince airport, which had been closed for three months due to armed attacks causing damage to its facilities.

Air Transat, undecided takeover:
The company Air Transat, providing the link with Canada, is still hesitant about the date of resumption of its service. There were reports of ticket sales for September 2024. However, a close Source reveals that company officials are reassessing the situation

5 counterfeiters arrested:
On Wednesday June 5, 2024, 5 individuals were arrested by the Ctefh of the Les Cayes public prosecutor’s office Ronald Richmond. They are accused of belonging to a network of counterfeiters operating in several municipalities in the South department. These counterfeiters managed to defraud several people by posing as the Government Commissioner.

Theft of 2 culverins, 18 employees in custody:
In order to shed light on the theft of two culverin from the Artillery Museum of the Citadelle Henry https://www.haitilibre.com/article-42480-haiti-flash-l-ispan-confirme-le-vol-de- deux-couleuvrines-du-musee-de-l-artiste-de-la-citadelle-henry.html 18 employees of the Institute for the Protection of National Heritage (ISPAN) were placed in police custody after their hearing at the Public Prosecutor’s Office Court of First Instance of Cap Haitien.

June 6, 1944: Tribute to the Haitian Philippe Kieffer
On this commemorative day of D-Day and on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the landing in Normandy, the French Ambassador to Haiti, Fabrice Mauriès, paid tribute to Philippe Kieffer, born in Port-au-Prince in 1899 and who led the commando of 177 heroes of Free France who participated in the operations of June 6, 1944.

Towards the rehabilitation of 11,000 hectares of land:
As part of World Environment Day, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID-Haiti) reiterates its commitment to working with communities in Haiti to increase their capacity to anticipate, prepare for and respond to the effects of change climatic. Through the Resilient Landscape Project-North, USAID plans to rehabilitate 11,000 hectares of land and help 50,000 farmers apply climate-resilient agricultural practices. Additionally, USAID supports stakeholders in three sub-basins in Les Perches, Bahon, and Joli Trou in strengthening their environmental governance capacity.

HL/ HaitiFree



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