the death toll rises to five, the situation remains tense (video)

At least five people died in floods in southern Germany where the situation remained tense on Tuesday and the Red Cross forced to distribute food by boat to residents blogged at home.

The torrential rains which have fallen since Friday in the south of the country have caused floods mobilizing more than 60,000 rescuers in Bavaria. They caused the evacuation of more than 6,000 people in this region.

The death toll rose to at least 5 on Tuesday, after the death of a 52-year-old woman who found herself trapped in her car caught in the floodwaters, according to police.

Floods in Germany: people evacuated by boats and helicopter

In the previous days, three people were found dead in their basements, and a rescuer lost his life after his boat capsized.

Several people are still missing, but police reported the rescue of a 32-year-old woman Tuesday after 52 hours perched in a tree to escape floodwaters. She was located by police in the forest near Neu-Ulm, Bavaria, using a drone.

In Passau, in the southeast of the country, on the border with Austria, a large part of the center is submerged. Nicknamed “the city of three rivers” – because it is located at the confluence of the Danube, the Inn and the Ilz – it declared a state of emergency when the level of the Danube reached 10 meters at the mid-day.

The Land of Bavaria is putting in place aid of “at least 100 million” euros, the head of government of this region Markus Söder declared on Tuesday in Munich.

The famous Bavarian football club, FC Bayern, also announced on Tuesday that it would donate one million euros to flood victims.



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