Israel will completely destroy the Iranian economy and military capacity –

Israel will completely destroy the Iranian economy and military capacity –
Israel will completely destroy the Iranian economy and military capacity –

In a few days (or a few hours!!!)the escalation between Iran and Israel will tip into all-out war. The imminence of the response promised by the Israeli army, which will be horrible and devastating for Iran, raises fears of the worst for the region.

The previous Tuesday, Iran launched nearly 200 missiles toward major Israeli cities, causing explosions in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Although the majority of the projectiles were intercepted by Israeli and American defense systems, this attack marked a turning point in relations between the two countries. Israel promises a response on a scale unprecedented in the history of modern wars!

Israel promises a destructive response!

Shortly after the attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that “Iran will pay dearly for this offensive”calling the attack “serious strategic error”. In the days (or hours) which will follow, Israel will unleash a military campaign of unparalleled precision and intensity, with the aim not only of neutralizing the Iranian military threat, but also of destroying its economic capabilities.

The Israeli Air Force, in coordination with its special forces and state-of-the-art combat drones, will launch massive strikes against key targets across Iran. Priority targets include the Natanz and Fordo nuclear facilities, as well as the bases of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). In a few hours, these strategic sites will be destroyed, leaving Iran virtually defenseless and without an economy.

Israeli drones, renowned for their stealth and precision, will be deployed in large numbers to strike vital infrastructure such as oil refineries, power plants, and telecommunications centers. Iran’s logistics capabilities and transportation networks will be wiped out, crippling the country’s economy and isolating Tehran from its main energy resources.

The fall of the Iranian economy!

The effects of Israeli strikes will be immediate. The Iranian economy, already weakened by years of international sanctions, will collapse under the impact of massive destruction. The Iranian Rial will lose more than 80% of its value in just 48 hours, while domestic and international trade will come to a screeching halt. Food shortages will quickly be felt across the country, causing scenes of panic in major cities like Tehran, Isfahan, and Mashhad.

Iran’s main industrial sectors, including its oil and gas sector, will be severely damaged by targeted strikes on refineries and pipelines, reducing oil production to less than 60% of its usual levels. The country, once one of the world’s leading oil exporters, would find itself unable to export its resources, further deepening the economic crisis.

The chaos that will follow will plunge “the Iranian Government” (or what will remain of it) in an unprecedented crisis. The population, overwhelmed by galloping inflation and shortages, will take to the streets to protest against the regime’s management of the crisis. The Iranian Government will try to contain the anger, but the gravity of the situation will exceed its capabilities.

The end of Iranian military ambitions!

On a military level, the losses will be just as devastating. Iran’s air bases and ballistic missile warehouses will be methodically destroyed, making any retaliatory launch impossible. The IRGC, once feared, will find itself without the means to react. Israeli military experts predict destroying more than 80% of Iran’s ballistic arsenal within 4 days.

The Iranian nuclear program, which had always been a major concern for the international community, will be dismantled in the wake of the strikes. Research and development sites will be burned to the ground, ending Tehran’s ambitions to become a nuclear power. Critical infrastructure, such as centrifuges and reactors, will be targeted with devastating precision, leaving facilities in ruins.

A costly lesson for Iran!

By choosing to attack Israel, Iran made a fatal error that will cost it not only its economy, but also its ability to exert military influence in the region. The country, once feared for its influence in the Middle East, will find itself reduced to impotence, both economically and militarily.



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