Stuck in Northern Ireland for 4 months, two strangers fall in love and get married on a cruise

A Canadian and an American woman who met on a cruise ship and stuck for months in Northern Ireland, fell in love and decided to get married, several media report.

Gian Perroni, originally from Vancouver, embarked on the ship Odyssey on May 30 for a three and a half year sea voyage. However, the boat had to quickly interrupt its journey due to mechanical problems. The repairs proved more complex than expected and the ship has been stuck in Belfast, Northern Ireland, for four months now.

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The Canadian then met another passenger, Angela Harsanyi. After traveling together from their hotel to the boat every day, they began dating and are now a couple; They even got engaged and plan to get married on the boat when it leaves!

“We discovered we had so much in common and enjoyed each other’s company so much that we couldn’t imagine living without each other,” Ms. Harsanyi said in an interview with UK Tonight.

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“We started talking about marriage a few weeks ago. It will be a first marriage for Angie, but not for me,” explained Mr. Perroni.

The couple shopped together for the wedding ring that the bride-to-be will wear. They found the ring in a small jewelry store in Belfast.

Stuck in Northern Ireland for 4 months, two strangers fall in love and get married on a cruise

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The wedding will therefore take place on the ship, which will then be in Central America, and as for the honeymoon, this is already a closed file, since the couple will visit no less than 400 places during their long cruise.



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