In New York, Benjamin Netanyahu brandishes the Iranian threat and dampens hopes of a truce with Hezbollah

In New York, Benjamin Netanyahu brandishes the Iranian threat and dampens hopes of a truce with Hezbollah
In New York, Benjamin Netanyahu brandishes the Iranian threat and dampens hopes of a truce with Hezbollah

A cold reception pointed out by the person concerned who assured that he had gone to New York in order to “restore the truth” After “having heard the lies and slander against my country from many speakers at this podium.” After asserting that his country “wants peace, calls for peace, has already made peace and will make peace again“, the Israeli leader exposed the threat of “wild enemies who only wish […] destroy“the Hebrew State.

“Israel’s current official goal is unattainable, a pipe dream”

No hope of truce in Lebanon

Holding at arm’s length a card called “The Curse”, he pointed to the various members of the Iranian “Axis of Resistance”, whose countries of membership were painted black to the opportunity. Faced with the empty seats of the Iranian delegation, Mr. Netanyahu also warned that “there is no place in Iran that Israel cannot reach“and promised to”hit“enemy territory in the event of an attack on his country, calling for a strengthening of sanctions against the Islamic Republic”which must never acquire nuclear weapons“.

Impossible ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah? “We have the impression that the reluctance comes more from Tel Aviv than from the militia”

As for Lebanon, subjected to intense strikes for more than a week, Israel will continue until “all“the aims of the war are fulfilled. This declaration once again dampens the slim hopes of a truce with the Lebanese Hezbollah. Shortly after its declarations, the Israeli army announced that it had “carried out a precise strike on the headquarters of the terrorist organization” in the suburbs of Beirut. In a series of messages posted on and the United States.

The leader of the Likud party (right) also castigated “anti-Semitism” of the Attorney General of the International Criminal Court Karim Khan. On May 20, the latter issued a request for an international arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. They are all the two notably suspected of “extermination and/or murder“in connection with the Israeli operation in Gaza. At the same time, three other proceedings were brought against senior leaders of Palestinian Hamas – Ismaïl Haniyeh, Mohammed Deif and Yahya Sinouar –, among others for “l’extermination” et “hostage-taking as a war crime.. In the meantime, the first two have been eliminated by the Jewish state.

Still no international arrest warrant

The fact remains that almost four months later, no statement to this effect has yet been made by The Hague. On September 9, Mr. Khan asked the judges to speed up “with the greatest urgency“the issuance of these mandates. This delay could be explained in particular by “the legal steps taken by certain States, including the United Kingdom, to dissuade the Court from issuing these warrants“, explains Pierre Klein, professor of international law at ULB. In fact, the previous British government had filed a request for clarification on the jurisdiction of The Hague against Israeli nationals, delaying the procedure.

Arrest warrants against leaders of Israel and Hamas: “It will be much more difficult to prove Israeli criminal intent”

For its part, the Jewish state filed an official objection with the criminal court last week. This dispute would however have no legal weight according to the expert because “Israel is not a state party to the Court’s Rome Statute [qui a institué la CPI]he is not in a position to put forward legal arguments concerning the procedures carried out” towards him in The Hague. If the international organization responds positively to the prosecutor’s request, Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant and Yahya Sinouar will no longer be able to travel to States parties to the Rome Statute without risking arrest. The United States is not a member – it has signed the document, but has not ratified it.



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