IN PICTURES | Discover the most difficult landing strip for pilots

IN PICTURES | Discover the most difficult landing strip for pilots
IN PICTURES | Discover the most difficult landing strip for pilots

Paro International Airport (PBH) in Bhutan stands out internationally for its runway which poses a real challenge for pilots.

In total, only 50 captains in the world are capable of landing a plane at this airport located in Asia, very close to China and India, according to CNN.

The runway, which is only two kilometres long, is nestled between mountains, some of which are 18,000 feet high. Pilots can only see it when they are about to land.

Such a maneuver “is difficult, but not dangerous,” pilot Chimi Dorji, who has worked for a Bhutanese airline for 25 years, told the American media.

“It’s a challenge for the pilot’s skills, but it’s not dangerous, because if it were, I wouldn’t be flying,” he added.

Many challenges

In addition to the height of the nearby mountains, pilots must learn to land manually, that is, without radar. Mr. Dorji stressed that they have no choice but to know the area well before flying.

Pilots also have to be early risers, as they have until noon to land in Paro. Authorities have said it is advisable to conduct all flights in the morning because of very strong winds later.

“We try to avoid operations after noon because there are a lot of thermal winds, temperatures are rising and the rains have not yet arrived,” Dorji said. In comparison, mornings remain much calmer.

However, those who want to leave Paro can do so more in the afternoon, he said. He did not give the reason behind the difference.


Finally, summer brings an additional challenge due to the rainy season. Dorji mentioned that there can be rain for several days in a row, thunderstorms, stronger winds and hail that reaches the size of a golf ball.



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