Lou (Secret Story) denounces the editing which “served her” in the love triangle with Maxence and Perrine

Lou (Secret Story) denounces the editing which “served her” in the love triangle with Maxence and Perrine
Lou (Secret Story) denounces the editing which “served her” in the love triangle with Maxence and Perrine

A few days after the final of Secret Storytongues are loosening among this season’s candidates. Lou believes, for example, that the love triangle formed with Perrine and Maxence and pushed by production may have harmed her.

On June 18, the suspense came to an end. After eight weeks of competition, Alexis won the final of Secret Story and the 100,000 euros promised to the winner. Since then, interviews with the candidates who stayed in the game the longest have multiplied. Lou, one of the finalists of this season, notably answered Yanniston’s questions on TikTok. The influencer wanted to know the candidate’s impressions of the love triangle she formed with Perrine and Maxence throughout the game and the effects of this on her defeat. “I think it was a bit of a disservice to me. I didn’t think so when I was on the adventure because I was doing so many other things. For me, the love triangle is 10% of my adventure. So I was surprised when I came out to see how big it had become.”she explains.

Lou regrets the image that was sent back to the viewers of Secret Story

For the 21-year-old candidate, the editing could sometimes have misled viewers. “Even for real, in the confessional, I was a little tired of talking about this love triangle. Honestly, it pissed all three of us off. So, yes, I think it did me a disservice because I understood that I had the image of the jealous, the mean. From there to say that without that I would have won, I don’t know”she admits. In any case, Alexis won 49% of the public vote on June 18, crowning him the easy winner.

What happened right after the final of Secret Story between Perrine and Lou?

What viewers didn’t see, however, was the explanation Lou and Perrine had after the finale. “We were able to say thatwe were both taken for hams. We regret our actions towards each other. We have passed the milestone, we know it now, and everything is peaceful.”revealed the Marseillaise to Tele-Leisure. “Perrine and I are two independent women who shouldn’t have been teasing each other over a man. It doesn’t fit who we are.”she emphasizes, assuring that they will remain friends.


PART 5: “THE LOVE TRIANGLE” #tf1 #production #secretstory #interview #finale

♬ original sound – Z7duckx_Music – Z7duckx_Music

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias



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