A former candidate of “Koh-Lanta: The Immunity Hunters” opens her adventurer’s bag to primary school pupils in Belgium

A former candidate of “Koh-Lanta: The Immunity Hunters” opens her adventurer’s bag to primary school pupils in Belgium
A former candidate of “Koh-Lanta: The Immunity Hunters” opens her adventurer’s bag to primary school pupils in Belgium

A little less than a month ago, it closed Koh-Lanta: The Immunity Hunters on TF1, a 25th season which, won by Léa, kept viewers in suspense for several weeks. It must be said that this edition was full of twists and turns, notably thanks to the many immunity necklaces hidden on the island and the secret alliance between Amri and Meïssa.

TF1’s flagship entertainment, Koh-Lanta has attracted millions of viewers for more than twenty years and has made its adventurers real personalities of the small screen. And, this effect of notoriety is still felt long after a season has been broadcast.

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Originally from Moselle, in Lorraine, but living in Aubange, near Arlon, Mégane, one of this season’s candidates, went to a school on June 14 to show the contents of her adventurer’s bag to the students of the Guy de Larigaudie school in Musson, in the province of Luxembourg. A meeting that came about following the sending of a rather special letter…

The production of Koh-Lanta regularly sends us mail addressed to us. That’s how I came across the letter from Zoé, a 7-year-old girl who wrote to me how much she would have liked me to come to her school to meet her and her classmates.“, explains Mégane. Touched by this letter, the adventurer responded to the young second-grade girl via a postcard that the latter showed to her class during the “Speech Circle”, a weekly meeting during which each child can talk about an event, an object or even a person who particularly touches them, one thing leading to another, and with the help of Zoé’s dad and the school, Mégane was able to meet her. Zoé and her classmates.

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The arrival of Mégane was eagerly awaited. “When I got to the class, they recognized me right away and started screaming and hugging me.“, says the car saleswoman who was surprised by the preparation of the students for their meeting. “The students had prepared around thirty questions to ask me, such as “Wasn’t it too hard not to eat?” or even “How did we go about showering in Koh-Lanta ?” So I taught them that in Koh-Lantashowers didn’t exist! (laughs)”

For a few hours, Mégane talked with the students of a primary school class. She also opened the backpack she had taken with her for them Koh-Lanta. “I hadn’t opened the bag since the end of filming, almost a year ago. I admit that my water bottle smelled a bit musty! (laughs) There was also my red scarf inside, my sneakers, my outfits, etc.

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The adventurer also took the opportunity to read to them some passages from the diary in which she had written what had most marked her in Koh-Lanta. “It warms my heart to see that you have left your mark on people through your appearance on a show.“, concludes Mégane, who will soon be going to another school in the region to take part in another activity around Koh-Lanta.



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