“Jean Moulin is back”: when Jordan Bardella profanes the memory of the Resistance

“Jean Moulin is back”: when Jordan Bardella profanes the memory of the Resistance
“Jean Moulin is back”: when Jordan Bardella profanes the memory of the Resistance

His mocking smile directed at the camera says a lot about his relationship with history. His barb intended as an insult even more so. “That’s it, Jean Moulin is back”, says Jordan Bardella to Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party. The latter had just told him, in the middle of the “immigration” sequence of the anticipated legislative debate on France 2, that he should “to have the memory of this country which welcomed him” : “You have benefited from “migrant anarchy”, as you say. Remember when, in front of bistros, we said “no dogs and no Italians”. » And Jordan Bardella took up, for lack of an argument to oppose to the socialist who represented the New Popular Front, Eric Zemmour’s favorite expression : ” Well then ! Well then ! »

It is finally a moment of clarification that the president of the National Rally, a party – let us recall it again and again – founded by former Waffen-SS and ex-Pétainist militiamen, offered us with his chilling grin.

Everything that Jean Moulin fought against, which is why he died a martyr for freedom. “Better the return of Jean Moulin than of Philippe Pétain”, retorted Pierre Jouvet, MEP and number 2 of the PS, on

Just like putting out of play the current host of Matignon, Gabriel Attal, also in the game, who did not flinch in the face of this desecration.

Faced with the extreme right, don’t give up!

It is step by step, argument against argument that we must fight the extreme right. This is what we try to do every day in Humanity.

In the face of the incessant attacks of racists and bearers of hatred: support us! Together, let us bring another voice to this increasingly nauseating public debate.
I want to know more.



NEXT Jordan de Luxe confides the drama he almost experienced in his new show (VIDEO)