Ophelia talks about her family on the montage made in Married at First Sight

Ophelia talks about her family on the montage made in Married at First Sight
Ophelia talks about her family on the montage made in Married at First Sight

Ophélie failed to find love in this season 8 of Married at first sight. Since the end of the broadcast of the program, she reveals her truths and denounces the editing done by M6. One sequence particularly hurt her loved ones.

Season 8 of Married at first sight ended with mixed results. Only two couples are still together today: Tracy and Flo and Alice and Florian. On social networks, they can finally freely display their love and they are not the only ones talking. Since the end of the broadcast of the show, the season’s candidates have spoken out to reveal behind the scenes of their experience, some even denouncing the editing of the M6 ​​production. Romain and Camille thus decided to tell the whole truth about their meeting in What have become of them?. They didn’t really want to meet, but they gave in to production’s request. Ophélie was also disturbed by the portrait that was painted of her family. The latter had a very bad experience with the broadcast of the show.

Ophélie denounces the editing of M6 in Married at first sight

On M6, Ophélie is portrayed as a woman disappointed in love and the women in her family have not had luck with men either. The voice of the program even speaks of “curse”a term that was much too strong according to the candidate and which embarrassed her. “This is not reality”he says during an interview with Sam Zirah on Youtube: “My mother didn’t take it very well because she found herself in the spotlight when she didn’t ask for it.” “My mother and my sister were in a relationship more often than I was. They are perhaps less closed than me on the image of men. and that’s not what comes out of it”explains the candidate, who was in “anger” by discovering the portrait of his loved ones.

Criticisms that are hard to accept

“I was very angry with the production, because I’m happy for people to say what they want about me, there’s no problem, but about my family, no, especially when it’s not true (…) It was hard for them, explains Ophélie. For his loved ones, “Married at first sightit’s over They don’t want to hear about this show anymore”even if they have since taken a step back from the program. “But it’s true that the first comments were a little virulent and that was hard for them.”explains Ophélie, who did not expect such a focus on those close to her.



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