“Perhaps I should have censored it”, Valentin Kretz reveals this detail which does not pass muster to Majo

“Perhaps I should have censored it”, Valentin Kretz reveals this detail which does not pass muster to Majo
“Perhaps I should have censored it”, Valentin Kretz reveals this detail which does not pass muster to Majo

Since 2020, fans of real estate and luxury can follow the Kretz adventures in The Agency on TMC and Netflix. At the microphone of Tele-LeisureValentin Kretz returned to some tensions between him and his grandmother, Majo.

Nothing can stop the Kretz family! As viewers eagerly await season 5 of The Agency on TMC, the family confirmed to Tele-Leisure during the Monte Carlo Television Festival that a spin-off show is in the works. In this new program which could arrive on our screens at the end of 2024, we should follow two of the brothers who will compete in a real estate search for a client. In addition to their show, also available on Netflix, the Kretzes have released a book entitled Welcome to the Agency where they recount their beginnings and reveal little-known secrets. A work which also created some tensions between members of the family, as Valentin Kretz confided during an interview given to Tele-Leisure.

There were shouting matches“: Valentin Kretz reveals what Majo accuses him of

A few days ago, Valentin, Sandrine and Olivier Kretz were at the Monte Carlo Television Festival to talk about their show, The Agency. During our Fact-checking interview, the real estate agents spoke about the release of their book and in particular the consequences that this event had on certain members of the family. And surprise, it gave rise to “shouting matches” according to Valentin Kretz. “Majo still talks to me about it…. ‘Ah good Valentine, you think I never say thank you?’ I can tell you that she repeats it to me all day! Maybe I should have censored that.” Charina Sarte’s husband had fun, as you can see in the video.

The Kretzes, a modest family far from the cameras

Although they talk a lot about their lives in their show, the Kretzes are ultimately rather modest, as Valentin explains to us: “It’s true that even if we’re together all day (…) we have trouble opening up.”. “Children did not necessarily know our whole childhood, our history” confides Sandrine Kretz while her husband explains that their book was like a “family therapy“. “What was most interesting was retelling the story, how it all happened in detail because it happened so quickly that we were a little caught in a whirlwind, forgetting the chronology of events.” explains Olivier Kretz.

Comments collected by Lila Ichane.



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