Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1716 of Thursday June 27, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1716 of Thursday June 27, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1716 of Thursday June 27, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Tomorrow Belongs to Us”… The police find a body in the vehicle of a Sétois. Lilou hasn’t said her last word. After her first day at the oyster farm, Rayane throws a bottle into the sea.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you’d rather not know, don’t read on.

Thursday June 27 in Tomorrow Belongs to Us…

Clarisse is found dead

Following the disappearance of Clarisse Belinski, Sébastien goes to his daughter’s house to question his stepson about the progress of the investigation. Martin claims he has no new information. Indeed, as long as he still does not know the degree of Igor Belinski’s involvement in the disappearance of his wife, he prefers to say nothing to the prosecutor.

At the Spoon, Audrey will take orders from Bastien and Violette. Along the way, she asks the young man if he has any news from his father. But John Kovac is still missing. Mélody, who was seated at the counter, also comes to greet her students. She suggests that Bastien do sports sessions with her to unwind and take his mind off things. Seeing him hesitate, she gives him time to think about it.

At the police station, Roxane and Timothée inform Damien that they found Audrey’s car. Thanks to highway video surveillance images, they traced him. Only one person was on board and took him to an industrial area where the car appears to have been parked since last Thursday.

Martin and Damien go there to inspect the vehicle. When they open the trunk, they discover Clarisse’s corpse. While Damien contacts the PTS, Martin immediately calls Sébastien to warn him. The latter then goes to Igor to tell him in person of the death of his wife. He then accompanies her to the morgue, where Igor says goodbye to Clarisse before bursting into tears.

Back at the police station, the prosecutor takes stock of the investigation with Martin and his teams. Damien transmits the results of the pathologist: Clarisse was killed last Thursday, between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., with several blows from a screwdriver. If Sébastien places the blame on John Kovac, whose prints were found in Audrey’s car, the police believe that there is no overwhelming evidence. In the meantime, the priority is to find him.

Just before leaving the police station, Sébastien receives a desperate voice message from Igor. He tries to call him back, in vain. Worried, he went to his home and found him unconscious on the ground with a box of barbiturates next to him. Without waiting, Sébastien calls an ambulance so that Igor can be admitted to the emergency room. At the hospital, Sébastien explains the situation to Marianne.

Having learned of Igor’s suicide attempt, Martin informs his colleagues. With no trace of John Kovac, the police find themselves at a dead end. Martin encourages them to stop at nothing to find him. Everyone is unaware that John is at this very moment hanging from the branch of a tree in the middle of the forest. Is he still alive, or is it already too late?

Rayane gives herself to Jack

At the farmhouse, Rayane is doing her first day of TIG. Bruno welcomes him warmly and explains the tasks to be carried out. Rayane does everything she is told to do seriously.

At the end of the day, Alex ensures that the young man has got his bearings. Rayane confirms this to him. As soon as Alex leaves, the teenager takes a few moments on the beach to call Jack.

The latter picks up. Rayane then launches into a long and moving monologue, admitting that he thinks about him all the time, that he sincerely regrets having left him, that he loves him and that he would really like to get back with him. On the other end of the line, Jack is speechless. Rayane ends up hanging up.

Lilou gets hired as a waitress at La Paillote

Philippine and Violette witness Charles’ difficulties in recruiting staff for La Paillote. Since Victor wants to recruit students to save money, Violette volunteers to be a waitress. But Charles believes that their family connection would make him lose his credibility in the eyes of his boss. In any case, Philippine believes that her daughter is still too fragile compared to her weaning.

Charles then goes to the Little Spoon to try to poach Valentine by offering her a much better paid job as a waitress at La Paillote. Valentine retorts that she has no desire to change jobs. Charles respects her choice, then leaves. Nathan, who didn’t miss anything of their exchange, can’t help but be jealous. Valentine assures him that he has no reason to be. To reassure him further, she lists all the reasons why she loves him. Nathan promises to control his jealousy in the future.

For his part, Charles goes to the Paillote where Lilou has just been served a drink. The young girl approaches him directly to ask him to hire her as a waitress. Not having forgotten what she did to her ex on social networks or when she reported him to the police as the Boosters dealer, Charles categorically refuses.

But Lilou doesn’t let herself be discouraged so easily. At the Spoon, she takes advantage of Victor being alone at the counter to approach him and ask him to hire her at La Paillote or at least take her on a trial run. To convince him, she reveals all her ways to make even more turnover. Victor then arranges to meet him the next day at La Paillote.

At the end of the day, Lilou finds Liam. The latter wonders why she is so keen to be a waitress at La Paillote when she is not in need. Lilou admits that she wants to live a normal life and earn her own money.



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