Christine Kelly-Karim Rissouli: media outrages of variable geometry

Christine Kelly-Karim Rissouli: media outrages of variable geometry
Christine Kelly-Karim Rissouli: media outrages of variable geometry

This is the story of an indignation with variable geometry. Tuesday, June 25, Karim Rissouli, journalist on France 5where he presents the poor show It’s tonightrevealed on Instagram the contents of an anonymous letter “received at home”. “Not at work. Not on the networks. At my house “he stressed, above a photo of the letter, of which here is an extract: “Frankly Karim, you didn’t understand the vote of June 9. […] the one and only fundamental reason for the RN vote is that the historic French people are fed up with all these idiots, the rest is blah-blah. Le Souchien will never accept you, nor your brothers, and even despite their numbers you will never possess France. ».

Since then, the concert of convictions has been in full swing. Everyone denounces hate mail, a sign of an intolerable “liberation of racist speech”. But, beyond the overplayed indignation of the left-wing parties and the political manipulation carried out by Karim Rissouli himself – who decided to publish, a few days before decisive elections, this letter which, by his own admission, is only the latest in a long list – it is the extraordinary media coverage of this affair that is most shocking. Mediapart has Daily Passing by Brut, The Parisian, The cross, The world, Release or The Huffington Postthe entire right-thinking press joined forces as one and gave the unfortunate, obviously unjustifiable, mail first-class coverage.

Christine Kelly’s Anger

Faced with this beautiful corporate solidarity, only one discordant voice was heard: that of Christine Kelly. The star journalist of CNewsa former “wise man” of the Higher Audiovisual Council which became Arcom, could not help but notice a certain double standard in the condemnations of her colleagues. “We have all received threats. We grit our teeth. However, are we going to make a big deal out of it? »she denounced, Thursday morning, on the set of Jean-Marc Morandini on CNewsrecalling the media silence she had faced when she had to be placed under police protection. “No one supported me! No media called me. The AFP did not call me, Brut did not call me. No one contacted me to support me. I found myself alone. »

But, as Christine Kelly rightly analyzes, she is “on the wrong side”. She works on CNews, the hated channel of Vincent Bolloré, not on public service. Above all, she had been threatened with death when she started the show Face to info and gave the floor, daily, to Éric Zemmour, when he was still just a journalist. This simple fact makes the elegant fifty-year-old morally guilty and justifies the insults received in the eyes of her left-wing colleagues.

Furthermore, Christine Kelly is Guadeloupean. She does not come from North African immigration. She is not Muslim either. In a mind corrupted by ideology wokethe journalist therefore does not tick all the boxes of the victim to be rescued.

Finally, the indifference of the media space to the misfortunes of the presenter can also be explained by the profile of her tormentors. They were not French people presenting themselves as « Souchiens » but Islamists and far-left thugs. Individuals for whom many journalists have great goodwill. Among those who had threatened Christine Kelly with beheading was, in particular, a certain Patrick K., presented in the press as a “anti-racist activist”. There is no doubt that this great humanist is one of those who were offended by the mail received by Karim Rissouli…

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