“Things that were not correct”, he confides on the quarrel over Johnny’s heritage

In an interview with Ouest-France, published this Friday, June 28, David Hallyday speaks about the wounds caused by the family crisis caused by his father’s inheritance.

7 years after his death, Johnny Hallyday continues to live in the hearts of his loved ones and his fans. On June 15, 2024, the adored rocker would have celebrated his 81st birthday. Laeticia Hallyday paid him a very moving and loving tribute through an Instagram post. It is in a very touching video that we can discover the images of the singer wishing good night to the women in his life, Laeticia and their 2 daughters Jade and Joy.

Johnny’s fans also came out in force to pay tribute to their idol. The singer’s grave in Saint-Barthélemy was invaded by flowers, photos, message pebbles… And we could also see a magnificent composition of white roses forming the number 81. However, if Johnny’s memory remains intact in the minds of his fans , inheritance problems have also left an indelible mark on the minds of many of his loved ones, starting with his son David Hallyday.

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An album in tribute to his father

As he continues his musical career, David Hallyday, Johnny’s eldest child, revealed on June 21, an album titled Requiem for a fool which pays homage to his father’s legendary songs. On the occasion of this new opus, the singer spoke to the newspaper West France on the problems caused by the legacy of the interpreter of That I love you.

This work allows the fifty-year-old to do constructive mourning by bringing to life again the music of his father who had always been his idol. But The wounds of the family estrangement following the death of the pater familias are far from healed.as his comments in Ouest France attest.

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A conflict that left its mark

After the death of Johnny Hallyday, his heirs were torn apart and it seems that David Hallyday still cannot digest it…It’s been a long time. Fortunately, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to create. There was a conflict where I helped my sister (Laura Smet) because there were things that were not correct Ilona Smet’s father told West France.

But it is not only through David Hallyday’s album that the idol of young people resurfaces, the cinema will soon devote two biopics to him and the resemblance of the actors to play him leaves his son doubtful. “I don’t know… in my opinion, you can do anything in cinema, you can transform everyone. I have no idea about that. It’s difficult to talk about something that I don’t have all the information. We’ll see when it’s done.” David Hallyday confided to our colleagues at Cinema TV Review.

News journalist

A true jack-of-all-trades, passionate about travel, culture, society, people and beauty, Saliha writes for various media such as Escapade magazine, the GEOguide collection by Gallimard, Le Figaro…



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