Kira and her friends discover the results of the baccalaureate, and a new couple is formed (advance summary of episode 1428 of the July 10 prime + Video)

Un Si Grand Soleil in advance with the detailed and complete summary of episode 1428 of the prime of July 10, 2024. In this new episode, the hour has come for the high school students while Stéphanie feels a threat hovering over her.

© France TV

The previous and complete summary 1426 of Un Si Grand Soleil from Wednesday July 10, 2024 from News Actual is also online.

Also find spoilers for Un Si Grand Soleil until July 12, 2024.

Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: Summary of episode 1427 of July 10, 2024

Kira is finally back in Montpellier, to the delight of Claire who went to pick her up at the station. When she arrives home, the teenager finds Florent who is happy to see her again. He asks Kira what time the baccalaureate results will be posted. She tells him that they will be online in the morning. While they are talking as a family, Florent receives a phone call from his client, Stéphanie Tazi. Claire asks her companion if he is obliged to answer. He nods yes and walks away to answer. Stéphanie requests an appointment at her office. Florent tells his client that he is leaving immediately. When leaving her house, Stephanie makes sure she is not followed.

At the BGL office, Stéphanie informs Florent that she is certain to have been followed yesterday in the street. Convinced that a threat hangs over her because she collaborated with the police, she wants her and her daughter to be placed under police protection. Florent asks Stéphanie if she is sure she told him the truth about Jonathan Lebel and money laundering. Stephanie says that’s the case.

Meanwhile, Kira goes to school and meets up with her friends. They are waiting a little anxiously for the results. The emotion is at its peak when the fateful hour arrives. Maéva, Robin and Louis obtain the baccalaureate with honors. Kira checks her results online and discovers that she got a Very Good grade. The young girl and her friends express their joy, but Thaïs is disappointed. She must take the remedial exams. He is missing 60 points. Maéva and Kira try to comfort her.

After her meeting with Florent, Stéphanie returns home. She calls Noura and leaves her a message on her answering machine in which she asks her to come home as soon as possible. She clarifies that it’s important and that she needs to talk to him.

Not far from there, at the police station, Florent informs Clément of Stéphanie’s request. But the latter insinuates that Stéphanie is afraid because she has information on the drug traffickers for whom Jonathan was laundering money. He specifies that if she wants them to protect her, she will have to reveal what she knows. Florent insists that she knows nothing. He points out that the telephone tapping proves it and that she was only a nominee for Jonathan Lebel. Clément explains to his ex-son-in-law that he will not be able to ask the judge for police protection if Stéphanie does not do her part. Florent continues to defend his client. Clément is surprised by his reaction.

Not far away, Robin suggests that Louis go do some shopping for the party taking place this evening at Kira’s house. However, Marc’s son is not sure he will come. He doesn’t think Kira wants to see him and is worried about ruining the mood. Robin tries to reassure him.

For her part, Cécile asks Achille how his first session with the shrink went, but the teenager doesn’t want to talk about it. Then, Cécile asks Achille where he wants to go on vacation in August, but he has no ideas. Against all odds, he offers his help to Cécile to find the place where they will stay. Cécile accepts, delighted.

Noura returns home. Stéphanie is relieved and checks that her daughter has not been followed. She then explains to Noura that they are probably being watched and cannot leave the house. But Noura has a party tonight and plans to go. Stéphanie then reveals to her daughter that Jonathan has died and that the people who attacked him could attack them too.

For his part, Clément confides in Janet. He explains to his wife that Florent blindly defends his client. Clément fears that he lacks lucidity.

The high school students gather at Kira’s house to prepare for the party. The atmosphere is full of nostalgia and memories. Kira steps towards Louis and asks for his help moving furniture. Encouraged by Flore, Tiago goes to the party. During the evening, while the party is in full swing, Tiago finds Robin in the garden. The latter tells him excellent news: he has been accepted into the Montpellier law faculty. Tiago confides to him half-heartedly that he would have missed him if he had gone to Lille. The two teenagers exchange their first kiss. Afterwards, the group of friends gathers for a souvenir photo.

Un Si Grand Soleil Video Excerpt from July 10, 2024


Such a Big Sunit’s Monday to Friday at 8:50 p.m. on France 2. The series is also available in streaming, replay and on demand on the platform and its mobile application.



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