What books to read this week? Our selection, with the wonderful “Scenes of my life”

What books to read this week? Our selection, with the wonderful “Scenes of my life”
What books to read this week? Our selection, with the wonderful “Scenes of my life”

In “Scenes of my life” (Les Presses de la Cité), Marthe Keller shares her memories as an actress, for our greatest happiness.

Looking for new novels to read? Here are our recommendations of the week.

“Scenes from my life” by Marthe Keller (Les Presses de la Cité)

The actress has always cultivated discretion, but if she decided to write her memories in a wonderful book, it is for her granddaughters, she admits, and also in order to tell the younger generation of never give up on your dreams. Nothing personal, even if she modestly evokes her Swiss childhood in Basel, dancing, then the discovery of theater, her meetings, her loves (Philippe de Broca, Al Pacino), her friends, including Dustin Hoffman, her filming, and his passion for the stage and Chekhov, never denied even today. Marthe Keller was lucky for the first time without speaking either French or English.

From his cinema debut in Le Diable par la queue (by Philippe de Broca), for which his lines were translated, to a play in Paris, with Jean Rochefort, to the success of the soap opera La Demoiselle d’Avignon and its departure for the United States – another happy coincidence! – for Marathon Man, where she discovers another way of working sixteen hours a day… she is an artist with an iron will, but not devoid of humor and very endearing, which emerges throughout the pages. “I discovered that you could have fun while working seriously,” she says. This incredible woman never stopped challenging herself in…

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