who are the four finalists this season?

who are the four finalists this season?
who are the four finalists this season?

After eight weeks of adventure, the final of Secret Story approach. It will take place this Tuesday June 18 on TF1. Four candidates won their place for the final round of the competition. Who are they ? Little reminder with Tele-Leisure.

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On April 23, TF1 kicked off the new season of Secret Story. The show was absent from the screens for seven years. Christopher Beaugrand, Benjamin Castaldi’s replacement from the ninth season, took over the reins of the program. The opportunity for him to present the 15 new candidates for this 2024 edition who, one after the other, entered the House of Secrets. Over the weeks, eliminations took place. If Bruno was the first to leave the game, others experienced the same thing, like Ulysses, Francesca and Cameron. For Cassandra and Zoé, the end of the adventure was more brutal. Indeed, the first had to pack her bags after being eliminated by Lou, then locked in a secret room. The second was eliminated by some of her friends in the games room. A hard blow for the Belgian who hoped to go far.

Secret Story : the final is approaching, the identity of the four finalists known

But before leaving the House of Secrets for good, Zoé had the opportunity to directly qualify a candidate of her choice for the grand final which will take place this Tuesday, June 18, in the second part of the evening on TF1. And it’s Alexis whom she chose, her lifelong accomplice. He is THE first finalist of this 2024 edition. Who are the other three? After the eliminations of Kelyan and Perrine, Maxence, Lou And Leo have won their place for the final round of the competition. At the end of the evening of June 18, one of them will be crowned the big winner of this twelfth season of Secret Story. A little more patience then!

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Perrine (Secret Story) reconciled with Maxence just before his elimination

Perrine, who is no longer part of the game, was able to reconcile with Maxence just before her departure, with whom she became closer in the House of Secrets. The latter did not hesitate to choose her during a Voice dilemma, throwing her – without knowing it – into the airlock. He then designated Leo to face him, against his advice. But faced with the young man’s apologies, she ended up forgiving him. Will they keep in touch outside of the game? To be continued.



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