Ambre (Large families) reveals her daughter’s superb wedding dresses and sends her a superb message

Ambre (Large families) reveals her daughter’s superb wedding dresses and sends her a superb message
Ambre (Large families) reveals her daughter’s superb wedding dresses and sends her a superb message

Seeing your daughter try on wedding dresses is always overwhelming for a mother. Even more so when it’s your child who made them. Amber, the former participant of Large families, life in XXLdid not hide having shed a tear by posting a video of Jade in a white dress, accompanied by a vibrant declaration of love.

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A speech rich in emotions. Saturday June 1st, Ambre Dol (Large family) shared a very touching publication on his Instagram account. Indeed, while she accompanied her eldest daughter to a wedding dress fitting session, the former wife of Alexandre Dol could not contain all her pride when seeing the different outfits worn and created by Jade. Very moved during this little mother-daughter meeting, the emergency nurse could not help but immortalize this sweet moment by making, at the same time, a touching declaration.

Amber Dol (Large family): this sweet declaration of love to his daughter Jade

In the caption of her post, Ambre Dol revealed a moving text in which she made a moving declaration of love to Jade. “I am so, so proud of you, my darling… I always told you: ‘No matter what decisions you make, I will follow you…’“, she first explained, not without pride. Despite the fact that the “classical schooling“destabilized her daughter a lot in the past, the emergency nurse nevertheless always encouraged her to pursue her dream.”What I wanted was your happiness and your fulfillment… You have it, my darling… All the professionals who have been on your path in recent years have encouraged you in this direction…“, she then clarified. Before adding, convinced: “You will succeed, my doll, to open your cocktail dress design boutique later…“A difficult speech for the mother who, as she confided in the caption, was very moved when sharing her post.”Know that I am complaining while writing these few words“, she admitted.

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Amber Dol (Large family): Internet users won over by Jade’s talent

In the comments section of this publication (to discover by clicking HERE), many of Ambre Dol’s subscribers reacted to the creations made by her daughter. “Quite a talent, Jade! You really found what you like! You are beautiful ! Mom can be proud“, we can discover, or again: “It’s magnificent, well done. Keep going, Jade, and above all, trust yourself. You chose the right path!“More than positive opinions which probably made the young woman very happy.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.



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