Lou (Secret Story) is already making his comeback in the house of secrets, the inhabitants in shock!

Lou (Secret Story) is already making his comeback in the house of secrets, the inhabitants in shock!
Lou (Secret Story) is already making his comeback in the house of secrets, the inhabitants in shock!

The inhabitants of Secret Story think Lou has left the competition. In reality, she follows the daily lives of the inhabitants from a secret room and makes serious decisions for the rest of the adventure. For a few hours, the candidate has been able to find her comrades.

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“Do not judge on appearance”likes to chant the famous Voice of Secret Story. For almost a week, the inhabitants of the house of secrets thought they had lost Lou, eliminated by the public. The Marseillaise clan is having trouble recovering from this hasty departure and they want to take their revenge on the other clan. Finally, especially on the candidates who play a double game in the program. The first victim of this revenge: Cassandra and it was Lou who decided to eliminate her in the greatest secrecy. “I am very sad. I saw myself very far away here with all of you”, confided the candidate to the residents, before leaving the house for good. If for the moment, no candidate knows who was the master of the game of the week, the Voice has decided to reveal the whole deception by bringing Lou back into the main house.

The smashing return of Lou in Secret Story

A few hours ago, the Voice decided to bring together the residents still in the competition in the living room to show them the images of Lou’s false elimination. “She will be able to see and hear everything. It will give you the power to make secret decisions which may well turn the game upside down for all the inhabitants”, announced the Voice to Lou a few days earlier. A discovery which particularly shocked all the inhabitants and Léo is overjoyed. The residents didn’t have to wait long to see Lou open the door leading to the airlock. A sequence that viewers will be able to discover in the daily newspaper this Thursday, May 23.

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Who are the nominees of the week in Secret Story ?

Since last Friday, it was alone in a secret room that Lou observed the actions of her comrades. In the greatest of secrets, she was able to make some decisions and thus reveal some truths, such as the betrayal of Zoé and Cassandra during the last votes. This lie blew up the clan made up of Charlène, Justine Francesca and Cassandra and Zoé. The official couple of the house then decided to take revenge and ally with the opposing clan. Cameron, Alexis and Zoé are therefore the nominees of the week. Who will leave the house of secrets for good?



NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)