Philippe Katerine causes embarrassment in Quotidien after a very intimate revelation – Closer

Philippe Katerine causes embarrassment in Quotidien after a very intimate revelation – Closer
Philippe Katerine causes embarrassment in Quotidien after a very intimate revelation – Closer

Friday June 14, 2024, Philippe Katerine was the guest of Daily in order to promote his new album, Under my bob. On several occasions, he offered great comic moments to the show’s columnists and to the audience present that evening. The 55-year-old singer, for example, indicated that at his age, his mother always called him to find out where he was when he was away from home for too long.

He also addressed, in his own way, the current political situation, regretting never having voted in his life. “It’s because of people like me that we are where we are today”, he regretted. Accompanied by his unique humor, Julie Depardieu’s companion also made a joke that he is undoubtedly one of the only ones to dare to make.

Philippe Katerine addresses the subject of anal searches

During the show, just after Marc Beaugé’s column, Yann Barthès listed the reverse rhymes written by Philippe Katerine in the songs from his new album: “crazy about everything, crazy about us, crazy about me” and “anal search “, notably. “Yes, I know it exists. I know it’s practiced, in this crazy world”observed the one who writes all his words, before regretting:
“I wasn’t lucky enough to be eligible for it.”

A statement dipped directly in the ironic ink which made the columnists present on set laugh, Anne Depétrini in the lead. Later in the show, the singer was asked about his method for surviving in “the crazy world” that he denounces.

The singer made a big decision: “It’s all over!”

He then offered a response full of poetry and digression about Bob, a word which, in certain regions of France, is used as a verb and which would be the equivalent of “daydreaming”. In addition to allowing him to daydream freely, this headgear also allows the singer to “not to be in direct contact with the world”.

“But it’s all over!” », he assured. New
Philippe Katerine
will indeed, he promised, be a responsible citizen. “He takes off his Bob, and he goes to vote!” »he firmly promised on the TMC set.



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