“Zarkane’s cell”, the hoax as big as a house by Patrick Sébastien

“Zarkane’s cell”, the hoax as big as a house by Patrick Sébastien
“Zarkane’s cell”, the hoax as big as a house by Patrick Sébastien

Saturday May 12, 2007, at an already late hour, we see him arrive on the set of the first of the fourteen seasons of “On n’est pas couche”, the show by Laurent Ruquier. Shaved head, small mustache, sinister appearance, Joseph Lubsky has low shoulders. He seems overwhelmed by existence and we understand this: according to what he says, he spent eighteen years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

That evening, if Joseph Lubsky is present on the set of the talk show, between Shirley and Dino, Christophe Dominici and Eddy Mitchell, it is to present his first novel, La Cellule de Zarkane, a thriller whose darkness has no equal to the unfathomable sadness. The guests and viewers understand very quickly: Lubsky is not here to laugh. Besides, he probably never laughs. Life has given him enough misery as it is.

Very quickly, when he speaks, we understand that Joseph Lubsky’s difference is not limited to his prison experience. His voice, his tone and his delivery are atypical. From the first seconds, we see that Éric Zemmour (historical columnist of the show, with already nauseating ideas but of whom no one suspected then that he would one day run for president) is doubtful. And we understand it.

Pot of roses

I will never be completely sure, because I only discovered this sequence a few days after it was broadcast, but if I had seen it that Saturday, I too would have frowned. How much doubt would have invaded me? Would I have understood right away? It would be dishonest to provide a definitive answer to this question, but I imagine that I would have quickly understood that under the guise of Joseph Lubsky was in fact Patrick Sébastien hiding.

We will learn afterwards that at the time of recording of the show, Laurent Ruquier (and he alone) was in the know. In collusion with…

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