Former candidate, Loïc Pelletier warned Pascal before his participation in Love is in the meadow

Former candidate, Loïc Pelletier warned Pascal before his participation in Love is in the meadow
Former candidate, Loïc Pelletier warned Pascal before his participation in Love is in the meadow

Loïc Pelletier initially hesitated before responding to our request. “I’ve had a taste of fame and I don’t want to go back into the spotlight.”justified the former breeder of Saint-Marc-la-Lande, noted candidate of the third season of Love is in the meadowin 2008.

And the term of ” fame “ is not an understatement. More than fifteen years after his participation in the show M6which attracts more than three million viewers every Monday evening, the Deux-Sèvres native continues to be recognized in the street, and even to receive letters from admirers. For better or for worse.

Today, on social media, people can either promote you or tear you down.

Loïc Pelletier, former candidate of “Love is in the meadow” Champdeniers

“Of course, it’s nice to please and be in the spotlight when you’re a farmer, but you don’t always realize the repercussions, testifies the former breeder, now a salesman of agricultural parts and equipment and living in Champdeniers. After the show, my partner at the time and I had to cut our vacation short because it was so unbearable.”

On social media, the participants in “Love is in the Meadow” are both praised and denigrated, as is the case with Murielle, Pascal’s suitor.
© (Photo NR, Camille Montagnon)

So when he learned of the participation of the Gâtinais breeder Pascal in the nineteenth season of the show, Loïc Pelletier thought it was a good idea to warn him. “Today, on social media, people can promote you as well as tear you down.”thus alerts the former candidate.

“Everything is amplified”

This is evidenced by the wave of online hatred targeting Pascal’s suitor, Murielle, following the broadcast of episode 5 of the show on September 16, 2024. The cause was the salvo of disapproving criticism she delivered from the moment she first stepped foot in the Deux-Sévrien home, sparing no more the windows than the flowers, the chairs or the sofa.

“She’s probably a maniac in real life, but it’s all amplified by the editing.tempers Loïc Pelletier, aware of the workings of reality . Of course, for it to work, you need some crunch. So there will always be the figure of the backward farmer, who exists in real life.” It remains for viewers to distinguish between fiction and reality.



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