Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine teases Bertrand Chameroy in “C à vous”

Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine teases Bertrand Chameroy in “C à vous”
Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine teases Bertrand Chameroy in “C à vous”

Couple Laura Terrazas

31 minutes ago,

Updated 26 minutes ago

Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, Bertrand Chameroy and Grégory Vingadassalon in “C à vous”.

VIDEO – While he was in the kitchen alongside chef Grégory Vingadassalon, the columnist was the subject of mockery from his colleagues on the 5 talk show.

The common thread of “C à vous” is the kitchen. Cooking point between the two parts of the show, table service during the last minutes. And from the summary, it is Bertrand Chameroy who announces the menu in the company of the chef of the week. In recent days, Grégory Vingadassalon, chef of the Madame B restaurant in , has been in the kitchen.

“I was expecting our chef to prepare crepes Suzette for our guest Dany Brillant”begins the comedian. The singer actually came to present his new album Seventies by performing live on the France 5 talk show. “But not at all, it will be salmon”continues Bertrand Chameroy. Finally, it will be candied trout. The “C à vous” set is cleared this Friday, September 27.

Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine is more focused on the physical appearance of her interlocutors than on their words. “We are impressed by the difference in build between you and the chef”laughs the host. “Is there a problem?”wonders Bertrand Chameroy. “There’s a little pancake and…”continues Babeth Lemoine. The fatal blow will be delivered by Patrick Cohen: “It’s a bit Titi and Grosminet”.

Revenge on the plate

Revenge will come an hour later when the dishes are being prepared. Bertrand Chameroy, responsible for arranging the garnish and the fish, will make a real «carnage» as he readily admits. Instead of the plate, the trout flesh lands on the work surface. The columnist tries to repair his clumsiness. It’s even worse. This plate, “I will give it to Patrick” he assures.

SEE ALSO – Patrick Cohen: “I’m used to being attacked, but I protect myself”




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