Cyril Hanouna: his children Bianca and Lino already at the head of a company despite their young age

Cyril Hanouna: his children Bianca and Lino already at the head of a company despite their young age
Cyril Hanouna: his children Bianca and Lino already at the head of a company despite their young age

Cyril Hanouna, whether we love him or hate him, is undeniably one of the major figures of French television. An iconic host, he reigns supreme on the talk show with Don’t Touch My Postwhich attracts millions of viewers every evening.

Despite his escapades, his numerous slip-ups and the regular criticism surrounding him, the host remains essential in the audiovisual landscapeHis sense of provocation and his humor earn him as much admirers than detractorsbut his ability to captivate audiences is indisputable.

At just 50 years old, Cyril Hanouna is the king of TNT

Every evening in Don’t Touch My Post and every weekend in Facing Hanounathe plateau transforms into a real scene of unpredictable shows. The guests deliver shattering revelations, taking advantage of the freedom of speech offered by Cyril Hanouna. Like Sandra Lou, who recently Revealed surprising truths about the behind-the-scenes of televisionor even confidences from the master of ceremonies, who made disturbing revelations about Kylian Mbappé.

But behind his shows and his hard workCyril Hanouna also built a solid fortuneThe host, often criticized and equally adulated, celebrates its 50th anniversary todayBetween his hit shows and his various projects, Hanouna can boast of leading a real colossal fortunesymbol of his success.

At 50, Cyril Hanouna can boast of having led an exemplary careerwho started out as an intern and prop master on the channel Comedy. In an interview with Match In 2017, he said: “I earn a very good living, there’s no hiding it, but I do my job above all to have fun.” Two years later, The Chained Duck revealed his salary as an animator: 40,000 euros per montha substantial sum, explained by the accumulation of its role of animator and producer on television.

In 2022, the site The Informed estimated his fortune at 85 million eurosnotably thanks to the sale of its production company H2O. Shareholder of Banijay, the world leader in audiovisual productionCyril Hanouna is not limited to the small screen. With investments and real estate, like his villa in Saint-Tropez and its yachthe also became an influential figure in the business world.

The host’s children are not left out

If Cyril Hanouna has experienced desert crossings, he has not forgotten his years of struggle and seems to have taken care to protect his children. Indeed, a simple search of registered companies reveals a small galaxy of companies in his name. With 18 different mandateshis portfolio is as varied as it is surprising. The names of his companies, such as “Darka Movie” Or “Baba Funny League”reflect his bubbling mind and everyday vocabulary.

And as he is far-sighted, he created a company called Biancinospecialized in the rental of land and other real estate. This choice of name is not insignificant: Biancino is a contraction of first names of his two children, Bianca and Linowho, with him, are co-owners of this companyThis approach not only underlines his desire to ensure a financial future for his family and his intention to transmit to them entrepreneurial values.



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