Alex accepts the strange proposition…

On September 19 in Un si grand soleil ( 3, 8:40 p.m.), After a big blunder, Aurore comes to ask Claudine for help, Hugo does not compromise with his instinct

Alex (Benjamin Bourgois) takes advantage of a relaxing moment at the beach hut to confide in his sister. He tells her that Céline has been cleared but that now, if he wants to start a relationship with her, he will have to tell her the truth. Davia (Jennifer Dubourg Braconi) suggests that he not worry too much.

While Yann (Constantin Balsan) asks Hugo (Bibi Tanga) for DNA analysis, the coroner takes the opportunity to tell him that he remains convinced that the serial killer lead should not be abandoned if they want to find Evan (Guillaume Delorme) alive. Yann hears him but the other lead, according to him, also deserves to be explored. Precisely, Manu (Moïse Santamaria) returns with new elements that indicate that Raphaël, The brother of an old classmate of Evan’s, who drowned in strange circumstances, is now among the suspects.

Later that day, Alex receives a message from Celine. He ends up calling her back as he leaves the police station. Excited by their exchange, he accepts her offer to see her the next evening, at her place, on the condition that her cell phone is turned off. Satisfied, Celine hangs up, lights a cigarette and listens to the piece of music related to the previous crimes.

Love at first sight on the farm

After sending an email to the opposing party with elements that were not intended for them,
Johanna (Aurore Delplace) tries to make amends with her client
. But he sends her packing and tells her that he no longer wants to work with the BGL firm. Johanna is appalled to have made such a blunder and ends up admitting, in front of Florent (Fabrice Deville) that it might be time to let go of the job. She goes to Claudine’s (Catherine Wilkening) office and apologizes for her recent mood swings. She admits to having made a serious mistake with her client. Claudine reassures her and promises to get the file back. Faced with the scalded client, and thanks to a clever negotiation, she actually manages to regain control.

For her part, Laura keeps Ludo (Folco Marchi) on the grill and suggests he come to the farm to see how his mushroom growing is going. But the subject that concerns them is not really oyster mushrooms. Laura approaches Ludo and kisses him. They end up lying in the hay.



PREV “La Meilleure Friterie” arrives this evening on RTL-TVI with a few changes
NEXT Ingrid Kragl – Water scandal: it continues… in replay