Two women in their sixties look for love in “The Golden Bachelor”, a new show on M6

Two women in their sixties look for love in “The Golden Bachelor”, a new show on M6
Two Cannes women in their sixties look for love in “The Golden Bachelor”, a new show on M6

Broadcast from this Thursday evening, at 9:10 p.m., the new M6 show, “The Golden Bachelor” offers women “to find love again and prove that after 60, seduction really does exist”To do this, twenty Bachelorettes will meet Landry, the Golden Bachelor.

Rose awards will punctuate these weeks, during which Landry will have to choose his favorite suitors.

A concept that has already conquered the United States (1), the French version of which will be hosted by Stéphane Rotenberg and which will be followed, in the second part of the evening, by “The Golden Bachelor, the women tell us everything”, where six Bachelorettes come together to watch and comment on the highlights of the evening.

“At our age, we know what we want”

Among the 20 Bachelorettes, Florence and Anabella, two women who try their luck to find love with Landry, – a “handsome man, very intelligent, with a lot of charm and a lot of kindness”Anabella admits.

The 63-year-old woman, of Portuguese origin and single for 15 years, decided to take the plunge and participate in the show with the desire “to find a man to redo [s]for life”.

A mission that she considers difficult on a daily basis, particularly because “that at our age, we are very demanding: we know what we want and what we don’t want.”

“Exciting, moving and therapeutic”

The adventure in front of the cameras did not destabilize our two Cannes residents who came out of it grown up, and with new friends! “It was exciting, moving, and even therapeutic,” says Florence, single for 14 years.

“Therapeutic because I gave up, I showed my fragility, my need to have someone in my life. I had put up barriers for myself, but I ended up letting go… Landry is someone who immediately saw the person I was. It touched me a lot, it opened my eyes to my need for love.”

Everything is still possible after 60

“It gave me the strength to move forward, Anabella testifies. “Thanks to the show, I was able to prove to myself that I still appeal to men. It’s very flattering.”

Because love and seduction have no age. “I also wanted to get the message across that at 60, anything is possible, explains Florence. We can experience incredible, powerful things, even more powerful than when we were 20. And then, viewers will be happy to see people their age on TV.”

An adventure that the two Cannes women judge “thrilling, exciting”. Which made them discover that they weren’t the only women over 60 looking for love – in fact, 5,000 women applied to take part in the show!

“I wouldn’t hesitate to experience things like that again. It brought me a lot on all levels, gave me hope and reinforced my positive attitude.”says Florence.

“It was a very nice experience, Anabella concludes. It will make a very nice show. Love is not over for me.”

1. “The Golden Bachelor” is a show adapted from the format “The Golden Bachelor”, distributed by Warner Bros. International Television Production.

> “The Golden Bachelor”, tonight at 9:10 p.m., on M6.

Photo M6.

Who is Landry?

“Very handsome man”, “very intelligent”, “very attractive”, “tall and slender”, “caring and attentive”… Anabella and Florence, our two Cannes residents, seem to be under the spell of Landry, the sixty-year-old Golden Bachelor, widower and father of three children.



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