War in Ukraine: End of Russian gas transit to Europe via Ukraine

War in Ukraine: End of Russian gas transit to Europe via Ukraine
War in Ukraine: End of Russian gas transit to Europe via Ukraine

Russia is opposed to the possible deployment of a European contingent in Ukraine in the event of peace with Moscow, declared its head of diplomacy, at a time when Europeans and Americans are reflecting on the post-conflict.

“We are certainly not satisfied with the proposals made on behalf of the representatives of the president-elect’s team [américain Donald Trump] aimed at postponing Ukraine’s accession to NATO for twenty years as well as introducing a peacekeeping contingent composed of British and European forces in Ukraine,” Sergei Lavrov reported in a statement published Monday by the ministry.

For several weeks, speculation has been rife about possible future peace talks, after nearly three years of conflict which has left hundreds of thousands dead and injured. Among the ideas explored by European chancelleries and Washington is that of deploying a European military contingent in Ukraine, along the front line which extends over some 1,000 km.

This hypothesis, discussed between the French leaders, Emmanuel Macron, and the Polish leaders, Donald Tusk, in Warsaw in mid-December, could involve the armies of NATO member countries or even holders of nuclear weapons, such as and the Kingdom -United.

Sergei Lavrov.




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