He is the mascot of the Grenoble courthouse (east). For a year, Tandem has been taking care of victims during trials. The golden retriever also intervenes during hearings with the investigating judge or the juvenile judge, and also in the city's police stations. Its role is to support the civil parties during these difficult times and to bring them comfort and affection. “We are happy when he comes. It brings serenity. He is very calm. He has a good-natured side, a bit of a plan. It’s a love,” confides a young woman to 20minutes.fr.
Since the start of the trial of Ludovic B., tried for the murder of Victorine committed in September 2020 in Villefontaine (Isère), Tandem has been at the courthouse almost every day. And his presence is unanimous: “On contact with him, the heart rate will drop. This generates less stress and it’s proven. Even professionals like magistrates tell me that they are different when Tandem is in the room,” explains Grégory Boissieux, one of those responsible for the dog and a lawyer at France Victimes Grenoble.
According to the specialist, the golden retriever does not just play the role of a stuffed animal. “He’s the one who goes to see people. He trusts his intuition, he senses when they need it,” he says. During the hearings, Tandem is kept on a leash. He attends the debates, lying at the feet of the victims or next to them. The animal underwent special training before joining France Victimes Grenoble. Normally, his schedule is shared between the association and the Enfance en Danger pediatric reception unit at the Grenoble hospital center. The trial of Ludovic B. being an exceptional circumstance, Tandem goes exclusively to court.