RN candidate mentions her “Muslim dentist” to respond to accusations of racism

RN candidate mentions her “Muslim dentist” to respond to accusations of racism
RN candidate mentions her “Muslim dentist” to respond to accusations of racism

Qualified for the second round in the first constituency of Mayenne, Paule Veyre de Soras defended herself from accusations of racism made against her party by mentioning her “Muslim dentist” and her “Jewish ophthalmologist”.

Paule Veyre de Soras, National Rally candidate in the first constituency of Mayenne, attempted to respond to accusations of racism targeting her party after qualifying for the second round of the legislative elections this Sunday, June 30.

Asked by the local news media leglob-journal about her reaction when she heard that the RN was “a xenophobic, racist, fascist party”, the candidate replied that “it is false and completely false”.

“In the National Rally, we have Jews, Muslims, Spaniards. I myself am Catalan, my grandfather was born in Barcelona,” she assures.

Before adding: “I have a Jew as an ophthalmologist. And I have a Muslim as a dentist.”

Qualified in the second round against the outgoing PS deputy

It didn’t take long for the first political reactions to these statements to emerge. “Future MP?”, Ian Brossat, senator for Paris and spokesperson for the Communist Party, asked on X as a comment.

“Something natural that comes back at a gallop,” reacted Sandrine Rousseau, the environmentalist re-elected as a deputy in the first round in the 9th constituency of Paris.

Asked about the controversial remarks made by the RN candidate, the re-elected MP Laure Lavalette acknowledged on BFMTV that her remarks were “very clumsy, obviously, but are these people used to speaking to a camera?”

At the beginning of her intervention with leglob-journal, Paule Veyre de Soras declared that she was “not so used to expressing myself in front of the cameras and I apologize for those who see me and listen to me”.

After obtaining 28.59% of the votes in the first round, Paule Veyre de Soras will face the outgoing socialist deputy Guillaume Garot, given favorite after his score of 45.39% on Sunday. Qualified in the second round with 20.10% of the votes, Macronist candidate Vincent Saulnier withdrew.

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