Gas prices, DPE, savings plan… Everything that changes on July 1st

Gas prices, DPE, savings plan… Everything that changes on July 1st
Gas prices, DPE, savings plan… Everything that changes on July 1st

Nnew price for gas, changes to the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) or even the entry into force of the police custody reform… This 1is July introduces several new features into the daily lives of the French. Here is a summary of what to remember.

Gas price increase

The reference gas sales price (PRVG) increased by 11.7% compared to June. However, it remains 4.70 euros lower than on 1is last January. The average level of the PRVG will now be 129.20 euros per megawatt hour, according to a decision by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE).

New savings plan for young people

The future climate savings plan (PEAC), reserved for under 21s, is available from Monday. The objective: “mobilize the savings of young people in favor of the ecological transition”, according to the Ministry of the Economy. If, as for the Livret A, its ceiling is set at 22,960 euros, its rate of remuneration will depend on the financial markets and will therefore not be set by the government.

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Evolution of the DPE for certain housing

Change in the calculation method for the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) which classifies homes from A to G according to their performance. Please note, only homes with a surface area of ​​less than or equal to 40 square meters are affected! According to Bercy, this change, which comes into force this […] Read more



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