2024 Legislative Elections: Pascale Bordes and Sabine Oromi, a duel between Bagnolaises who are “opposing everything” in the 3rd constituency of Gard

2024 Legislative Elections: Pascale Bordes and Sabine Oromi, a duel between Bagnolaises who are “opposing everything” in the 3rd constituency of Gard
2024 Legislative Elections: Pascale Bordes and Sabine Oromi, a duel between Bagnolaises who are “opposing everything” in the 3rd constituency of Gard

Voters in the 3rd constituency of Gard will have to choose between two women, Pascale Bordes (RN) and Sabine Oromi (NFP) in the second round of the legislative elections. Two committed women who grew up in Bagnols-sur-Cèze.

They both ran for the first time in legislative elections in 2022. Pascale Bordes (RN) was elected as a deputy, while the communist Sabine Oromi, under the banner of Nupes (New Popular Ecological and Social Union), did not make it past the first round. This time, the two female politicians are facing off in the second round, with a clear lead for the outgoing deputy (47.49% against 22.91%). But, as Sabine Oromi did in 2022 in favor of the Macronist candidate Anthony Cellier, the Horizons candidate Christian Baume, who came in 3e place, withdrew on Sunday June 30, after the results of the first round, for the NFP candidate.

I am happy for the voters that Christian Baume has withdrawn., I thank him. This morning (Tuesday July 2, Editor’s note) At the Roquemaure market, people tell me that they will finally be able to vote for and not against. They are reassured.” confides the communist.

Sabine Oromi obtained 22.91% of the votes in the first round of the legislative elections.
Alexandre Dimou

The withdrawal of the Horizons candidate in favor of Sabine Oromi does not worry his opponent.I am counting on the lucidity of voters. There will be many more blank ballots, because people want to vote, this is what the turnout in the first round shows.” Pascale Bordes analyses. After her high score on Sunday June 30 and the high turnout in her constituency (more than 70% of registered voters), she is in “an even more combative state of mind. I realize the weight that is on my shoulders.”

Pascale Bordes, outgoing MP, is in the lead in the first round with 47.49% of the vote.

“We do not know each other”

On Sunday July 7, we will witness a duel between two candidates of character. “Everything sets us apart, except being women!” says the communist Sabine Oromi. Women of conviction, born in Bagnols-sur-Cèze, who grew up in the same town, one making a career in national education – Sabine Oromi is a Spanish teacher at the Philippe-Lamour high school in Nîmes -, the other taking up the lawyer’s robe. “I am registered with the Nîmes bar. I specialize in family law, I no longer do criminal law” explains Pascale Bordes.

Very early, at the age of 17, Sabine Oromi (55 years old), daughter of a communist mother and a father who was a trade unionist and activist for Adeva (an association for the defense of asbestos victims), took out a Communist Party card. Pascale Bordes (62 years old), whose father was a FO activist, mainly took after her parents “the sporting side, with values ​​of sharing, the team spirit,” and will enter politics late, “I took out the National Rally card a few years ago”.

“We do not know each other” declare, each on their side, the candidates. Sabine Oromi observed the votes of her opponent in the National Assembly and reproaches him in particular for “not having moved to vote for the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution. It made me desperate, I’m a feminist!”An absence that the RN MP explained: “I chose not to go there to demonstrate my disagreement with this inclusion in the Constitution. As a lawyer, I know too well the flaws of the texts. I am not against abortion, I did everything in the Assembly so that there are more gynecologists, family planning clinics.” she recalls.

“Parity is still far from being achieved in politics”

On the question of feminism in the political world, the outgoing MP notes that “Parity is far from being achieved, there is still work to be done! In the French political class, there is a slight hint of misogyny, with typically sexist thoughts, but not in my group! I have a strong hand and in the chamber, many politicians did not expect it!”.

Listening and less ego“This is what characterizes women in politics,” says Sabine Oromi. “For me, politics is teamwork, ideas come first!”



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