Aboard a microlight, a day to contemplate the Cotentin… in the sky!

Aboard a microlight, a day to contemplate the Cotentin… in the sky!
Aboard a microlight, a day to contemplate the Cotentin… in the sky!


Editorial La Presse de la Manche

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 5:47 p.m.

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The club d’ULM from Portbail (Manche), the Flying Vikings, offers a discovery day the Sunday July 7, 2024 from 2 p.m. During this day, interested persons will be able to meet the drivers of the club and see these curious machines up close.

Guaranteed thrills!

There will be different categories of ULM, such as the hang glider, a single-engine aircraft supported by a flexible wing (like a hang glider) under which a motorized trolley is attached.

With this type of ULM, the sensations are guaranteed and ideal for enjoying a exceptional view. But there is also the paramotor, a paraglider wing with a motor on the pilot’s back. It is the pocket aircraft, transportable in a car trunk.

Great views

This day will allowintroduce neophytes, via des air baptisms, flying in a microlight. Takeoff will take place with the harbor and its salt marsh sheep underfoot.

The daring will thus fly over the Coast of the Isles at 80 km/h, discovering prodigious visions : dunes, harbors, emerald seabeds, ports and Cap de Carteret, the bocage with its mansionset castles .


With the freedom of the bird, well seated behind the pilot, it will be possible to experience real sensations with unforgettable memories the key. The ULM probably gives the most interesting flight sensations, the vision being free from all sides.

Videos: currently on News

However, initiation to ultralight flying is possible all year round by appointment in Portbail. For the formations for piloting, you should contact Frédéric Fortin (tel.: 02 33 50 09 82) at the aerodromeof Granville.

A dozen breathtaking minutes

For the young people under 25 the federation is currently submitting a scholarship of 300 euros. As for the pilots, the club has a device made available to members with a latest generation wing equipped with a parachute.

The prixThe price of first flights (on a pendulum) for this day is 40 euros for a dozen minutes. The practice of microlights is conditioned by favorable weather (clear skies and light wind). So let’s cross our fingers that July 7th is a favorable day.

From our correspondent Judith LACOURS

The track is located at the end of the racecourse (village de la Plage). Follow the signs to the equestrian center. Information: President Marc Bienvenu on 06 14 57 92 12 or www.ulm-portbail.fr

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