what is the big return of the cult series on Disney+ worth?

what is the big return of the cult series on Disney+ worth?
what is the big return of the cult series on Disney+ worth?

New faces, back to basics

Doctor Who, the dean of science fiction series, could hardly have been reborn better than with the casting of his new Doctor: Ncuti Gatwa. The actor revealed by Sex Education slips easily into this role, and builds a funny, endearing and dynamic Doctorwhile still keeping a dark side still underlying.

His chemistry with the young Millie Gibson, aka Ruby Sunday, is also obvious, and helps to create a driving and exciting duo. The actress registers thus in line with the companions of the very popular Eleventh Doctorplayed by Matt Smith, even if the series tends not to dwell too much on the relationship between the two protagonists (and that’s a real shame).

A duo that stands out

A comparison far from trivial, since this new season clearly invokes the uninhibited legacy of the Smith era, while cementing a more modern and less melodramatic tone (for better or for worse). The Doctor does not face any “classic” monsters from Doctor Whoet this absence of Daleks or Cybermen on the horizon is a big strong point of this return.

The big news is obviously on the production side, since Disney is now in action alongside the BBC. For a very successful result: not only does Davies seem to have had carte blanche, but, with a greatly increased budget, The series offers quality production design and special effects.while retaining the traditionally kitsch aspects inherent in its DNA.

The revival of Doctor Who, fresher and more meta

Journey by stages

Made up of only 8 episodes (9 including the very nice Christmas Special), this season partly succeeds, especially with its first episodes. Indeed, after a minor introduction, The series is a series of exciting experiences and the varied themes, undoubtedly offering one of its most eclectic seasons, marked by an intriguing meta dimension.

From a quasi-musical episode carried by the performance of drag queen Jinkx Monsoon to the terrifying committed epilogue of “Dot and Bubble”, not forgetting the very beautiful return of Steven Moffat in “Boom”, Doctor Who is having fun and taking advantage of his new means to explore new corners of his vast universe. A freshness that we had clearly lost sight of in recent years.

Warning, shocking end of episode

Following its roadmap established by the consequences of David Tennant’s brief return, Davies builds a less dark season than usual. The Doctor is above all motivated by his simple desire for adventure, which contrasts with the usual heavy intrigues. The series still allows itself a strange exercise in style with “73 Yards”an episode where the Doctor is almost absent and which flirts with the horror thriller.

An experience that is probably incomplete, but quite hypnotizing, which probably demonstrates the greatest quality of this season. Marked by a crazy energy, like its Doctor, this one constantly shakes up the codes and habits of a series which had been somewhat lost in recent years. A small double-edged revolution, because At the moment of truth, this method suddenly seems to run out of steam..

“73 Yards”, the great experience, superb and frustrating at the same time

Doctor can do better

By multiplying episodes independent of others, Davies completely torpedoes his long-term intentions and the conclusion of his season. We have the unfortunate impression that the placement of the episodes is completely random until the two-part finale, which greatly taints the tension surrounding this seasonas if non-existent.

A lack of tension also materialized by the lack of confrontation between the Doctor and his companions (where did his hatred of UNIT’s militarization go?). And while we enjoy following the protagonists’ weekly adventures, none of them have any real impact on the story, and Both red threads end up falling completely flat in the finale.

We suspect Disney of wanting to make a spinoff (and we blow)

Without a big final revelation, the mysterious twist of “73 Yards” is not really answered, and episode 6 with Jonathan Groff, announced as a major moment of the season, acts as another filler. There is no doubt that a lot of the work this season is to lay the foundations for the futurebut this planning tends to be frustrating (like the very last scene of the finale).

Davies seems to have rested somewhat on his achievements, basing the entire architecture of these episodes on the shoulders of Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson to refresh a tired series. A strategy that pays off in the middle of the season, less so when it comes time to conclude. That said, Doctor Who showed an undeniable return to formwhich only asks to be perfect in a more structured second season.

All episodes of season 14 (or 1 according to the new numbering) of Doctor Who are available on Disney+ since June 22, 2024



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