Gas prices, rents, inflation… Everything that changes on July 1st: News

Increase in the price of gas and the Parisian rent ceiling, climate savings plan for young people and control against inflation… This July 1, 2024, the daily lives of the French will experience several changes.

Summer holidays and good weather, July arrives and brings with it its share of changes, some of which will impact the daily lives of the French. Gas prices, rent, fight against inflation, find out what will change from Monday July 1, 2024.

Gas price increase

You heat or cook with gas, bad news for your wallet. The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) has decided to increase the benchmark gas sales price by 11.7% from July. A decision justified by the cost of maintaining the network. The average level of the PRVG will therefore be at 129.20 euros per megawatt hour (MWh) on average, according to the CRE website, which specifies that this price “remains 4.70 euros/MWh including tax lower than the average PRVG of January 1 2024 (-3.5%),” reports -.

Rent ceilings raised in Paris

On July 1, the prefectural decree published on May 28 setting the new Parisian rent ceilings comes into force. As before, the ceilings depend on the year of construction, the number of rooms and the geographical area. For example, for a studio built after 1990 in the Clignancourt area, the reference rent was 23.70 euros per square meter and now rises to 24.60 euros, explains -. The highest rents can only be applied to new rentals.

Towards a control of “shrinkflation”

From 1 July, supermarkets with more than 400 m² will be required to protect consumers from “shinlflation”. The word, which comes from a contraction of the English words for “reduction” and “inflation”, refers to a commercial practice in which the price of a product increases or remains the same while the quantity sold decreases. Supermarkets will now be required to clearly indicate this on the shelves or product packaging so that the buyer is not misled.

A new savings plan for young people

Young people under 21 will have access to a climate future savings plan (PEAC). With a ceiling set as on a livret A at 22,950 euros and a variable rate depending on the financial markets, these plans should allow the financing of low-carbon projects.

New calculation of the DPE

The calculation of the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) is changing to allow the revaluation of the energy class of housing of 40 m² or less currently considered as “energy sieves”. A godsend for some owners who will be able to put their apartments back on the market without additional work. As a reminder, all DPE labels are authorized for rental, provided that they consume less than 450 kwh/m² per year. By 2025, the State plans to exclude all housing with a DPE G from the rental stock, then F in 2028 and E in 2034, specifies the website of the Ministry of Energy Transition.

Revaluation of unemployment benefits

This July 1, the unemployment insurance benefit of 2 million job seekers will be increased by 1.2%. Thus, the minimum daily allowance will increase from 31.59 euros to 31.97 euros, indicates the Unedic website.



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