Former Israeli Hostage Noa Argamani Speaks in Video

Former Israeli Hostage Noa Argamani Speaks in Video
Former Israeli Hostage Noa Argamani Speaks in Video

Jeanne Le Borgne
06/30/2024 at 11:24

On Friday, June 29, Noa Argamani, one of the iconic faces of the Hamas hostages, appeared in a video broadcast in Tel Aviv’s Hostage Square. The young woman expressed her gratitude for being back home.

“A great privilege. » Three weeks after his release, Noa Argamani, one of the emblematic faces of the Hamas hostages, spoke publicly on Saturday June 29 evening. In a video broadcast in Tel Aviv’s Hostages Square and relayed by “The Times of Israel”, the 26-year-old thanked “all the people who risked their lives” to bring her home.

“It is a great privilege to be here after 246 days in the hands of Hamas. It is a great privilege to be able to be by my mother’s side after eight months of uncertainty. It is also a great privilege to see my parents surrounded by so many good people,” said Noa Argamani, recalling that “it is impossible to forget these 120 hostages in Gaza who are waiting for a happy ending to their ordeal.”

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Strong words

Thanking her loved ones for being “her voice when she was silenced,” the young Israeli said that “as an only child” and the daughter of “a mother with terminal cancer,” her “greatest worry in captivity” was for her parents. “I am grateful to the wonderful people who have supported my family in these difficult times,” she said. Calling for “everything to be done” to bring back the Israeli hostages still held captive by Hamas, Noa Argamani concluded her speech with a wish: “May we learn to love, not hate.”

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” Do not kill me ! »

Noa Argamani had become, despite herself, one of the symbols of the massacre perpetrated by the terrorists. The whole world remembers the filmed kidnapping of this student from Ben Gurion University. Perched on a motorcycle, terrified, she was forcibly taken to Gaza between two men wearing civilian clothes. Crossing the security barrier neutralized a few hours earlier, she was seen screaming, her hands tied: “Don’t kill me! »

A few days after her release, the young woman spoke to “Paris Match.” She explained that on the morning of June 8, she was washing dishes. Screams rang out. Running to the living room, she found herself face to face with masked men: “We are the IDF!” they shouted in Hebrew. In shock, Noa took a while to understand what was happening. Until a soldier asked her if he could lift her onto his shoulder: “That’s when,” she explained, “I realized that I was being saved!”



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